Mission prep and beginning

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e/c= eye color.

s/c= skin color.

h/c= Hair color.

y/n= Your name.

a/n= Authors note.

**= Action.


(A/N does this chapter count as filler I want honest answers with this cause I can help but feel like this might be filler. Also apologies for taking a while I've been extremely busy lately and haven't had much time to work on this anyway hope you enjoy this possibly filler chapter)


The rest of the elevator ride was relatively quiet with Penny asking the accessional question here and there it is understandable why she would have quite a few questions as she is new to just about everything really as the elevator gets to ground floor the doors open and we walk out we were just going to walk straight to my personal bullhead but then I decided to ask a question of my own.

Y/n- Penny out of curiosity what kind of combat algorithms do you have for missions like these?

She then closes her eyes for a second before reopening them and responding.

Penny- Not many unfortunately I was not expecting to get a mission so soon let alone a mission to exterminate a small horde of Grim.

She finished her sentence sounding a little bit sad so I changed direction and gesture for her to follow after a few seconds she asks.

Penny- Where are we going now this does not seem like the direction that the hanger is in?

Y/n- To my room so I can analyze your current combat algorithms and possibly make a few new ones if necessary.

Penny looks a little surprised at what I just stated and so responds by saying.

Penny- Are you sure we need to leave as soon as possible so wouldn't making new combat algorithms take to much ti-

I cut her off by stopping in front of her and raising a hand in front of her face then say.

Y/n- We are indeed supposed to leave "as soon as possible" however that statement implies that we are fully ready and equipped to leave if you do not have the proper combat algorithms for this mission then we are not "fully ready" and so we must take a little more time to get properly prepared.

I put my hand down and then say.

Y/n- And besides we're actually ahead of schedule so a small detour like this won't set us to far off track. (Whispering to self) also I do kinda wanna see what kind of weapons you're equipped with.

Penny then tilted her head to one side and asked.

Penny- What was that last part?

I hurriedly responded with.

Y/n- Nothing nothing let us keep moving.

(Pov change Penny)

Agent O- Nothing nothing let us keep moving.

He finishes his sentence somewhat hastily and I can help but smile a little bit at this unexpected change in his demeanor he gets a few steps ahead of me so I catch up with him and when I am right next to him again I say.

Penny- Alright I will go through with this idea of yours Agent O.

He turns looks me in the eye and says to me in a correcting sort of tone.

Agent O- Y/n

He then turns forward and starts to walk again and I looked at him with an almost shocked look and said.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2023 ⏰

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