Salutations and a new mission

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e/c= eye color.

s/c= skin color.

h/c= Hair color.

y/n= Your name.

**= Action.

(A/N I'm aware I'm skipping over a bit of potential story to build up you guys however if I'm not wrong most of y'all came here for the ship so I might as well at least have you two meet with that said let's get into this.)


(Timeskip 5 years after the last story chapter POV yours)

6:00 am/wake up alarm triggered system start up initiated.....

System start up successful bringing subject out of sleep mode.

I slowly open my e/c colored eyes looking around my room then I slowly start to move my body and notice the joints are a bit stiff so I decide to move around in my room to loosen them up a little and as I do I can't help but think.

You thoughts- man it is really bare in here some would think that the bunch of weapons I keep around, the data download terminal, and the self maintenance station I have would take up more space but it really doesn't I guess that could also be due to the fact that this room is quite large but still I should really try to decorate this space a little more I've had it for a little more than three years now and it is mine after all.

I dwell on this though for a little while longer then I continue with a few morning stretches when I finish I go to the data download terminal and see if there are any updates available and there are nothing major just a few operating system updates after that's done I go on my walk nothing really happens that is until I'm half way done with my daily training session with Winter so I put one hand up and say.

You- One moment please Lieutenant Winter I am receiving a communication from general Ironwood.

(a/n Winter allows you to call her by her first name and she does indeed know what you are I might make a flashback chapter to show her reaction to finding out what you are but only if I want to.)

Winter- Then by all means go ahead also I said you could just call me Winter when it's just us.

You- Apologies must have slipped my mind. *Answers call* Yes general you have need of me?

Ironwood over the call- Agent O good I was able to reach you and yes I have a mission for you report to office immediately for mission debrief and to meet someone understood?

You- Yes sir over and out. *Hangs up and turns back to Winter* Apologies Winter it seems we will need to cut this session short general Ironwood needs me for an assessment.

Winter- Then go right ahead just next time we train don't take it so easy on me.

You- Alright then anywho see you next time Winter.

Winter- See you again as well agent O.

I then give a little salute and then walk to The general's office I enter the elevator and press the button as it's going up a thought crosses my mind.

You thoughts- I wonder who the general will have me meet its not especially out of the ordinary for him to call me to his office for a mission debrief but to also have me formally meet someone without notifying me before hand is a little strange.

As I finish my thought the door to the elevator opens and I see general Ironwood so I step out of the elevator walk up to him stop about five feet away from his desk straighten out my posture give a salute and say.

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