New Opportunities

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The next morning as Tul boarded the train headed to the office, he was excited about seeing the look on his boss' face when he gave his notice. The Song 'Take this job and shove it!' was running through his head as he stepped off the platform.

It had only been 3 days since Tul had last been in the office.  Max had made sure to call and inform HR that Tul was sick and would be off for a few days.  However, as expected, the moment Tul knocked on the door to his boss' office, the man began to yell and accuse him of being irresponsible and unreliable.

Rather than try to argue or defend himself Tul just stood in the doorway and waited till the man had blustered and bellowed himself out of breath.

"Well, what do you have to say for yourself? Some pathetic excuse about low blood pressure and exhaustion.  As if someone your age should be so delicate.  If I were a different type of boss I would have fired you on the spot."  All the other employees looked on, some with sympathy, but most with amusement at Tul's expense.   

After it was obvious the entire office had witnessed Tul's humiliation, the man casually walked over and closed the door to his office before returning to his side of the desk.  Leaning across the desk he licked his lips and glared at Tul as he continued to speak, now safely out of earshot from the rest of the office.  

"You need this job to support your mother and pay for her medical care and I know you are counting on a promotion to survive.  So after this poor display, how do you intend to get back in my good graces and earn that promotion?"

Tul understood the thinly veiled implication and he could easily read the vulgar look in the disgusting man's eyes.  This piece of shit was trying to manipulate him into sex for a promotion and worse still he was using Tul's mom as a pawn in the game.

When his boss had finished speaking, Tul calmly walked over and placed his resignation letter on the desk.  Then he smiled and spoke through tightly gritted teeth.

"I don't plan to do anything to EARN that promotion.  Thank you for the opportunity and the experience, I plan to utilize them well in my new job." 

Glancing at the letter with a mix of disbelief and disdain, the man looked up at Tul and flashed an evil grin.    

"Good luck finding and securing that new job at any of the companies in this town.  I know all the CEOs and managing executives and I will be sure to tell them all what a worthless good-for-nothing you are and warn them not to waste their time even looking at your resume."   

On any other day that look and those words would have had Tul sweating and trembling from uncertainty.  Today, however, was not like any other day. 

As if on cue a tall, slender man in an expensive, well-tailored suit simultaneously knocked and entered the office despite the attempts of a very flustered secretary. 

"Good day Mr. Lane,  I represent the offices of White Knight Investment.  We are a firm that acquires companies in need of financial restructuring.  It seems you may not yet be aware that this company falls within those parameters."  The man placed a document on Mr. Lane's desk and then stepped back. 

"I don't know what you're talking about but I'm in a meeting right now and do NOT wish to be disturbed!  GET OUT!!!" 

"I do apologize for the abrupt nature of my entrance, however, what I have to say may save you some time and frustration.  Your services are no longer required Mr. Lane. These gentlemen will help you gather and move your things."  He finished just as 2 very tall, well-built men in similar suits walked in to flank him on either side.

Mr. Lane stood frozen and utterly speechless for a few moments before exploding about how impossible this situation was  and the absurdity of these claims.

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