The Meeting

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As Max sat at the small round table, beneath the dark burgundy canopies of the cafe, he watched as the patrons and staff scurried about like rats.

A young couple seated at the table across from him caught his eye.  There was nothing particularly interesting about either of them, however, Max found himself unable to look away.

Oblivious to his surroundings, the young man reached forward and gently cupped the cheek of the girl as she smiled and pressed her face into his hand giggling and whispering.  It was such a simple gesture but it caught Max off guard.

The memory came without warning swallowing him whole. 

Gone was the cafe and the couple, gone was the noise and the crowd, replaced instead by the quiet sweet smelling field, the bright full moon and Lucas.

It was after one of their numerous evening escapes and Lucas was napping tucked in tightly to Max's side as the moon illuminated the sea of Bluebells that surrounded them. 

The light sweet fragrance hung in the air as Max stared down at the sleeping face of the person he loved more than life itself.  Slowly and gently he brushed his fingers over Lucas' brow and down tracing the curve of his cheek, relishing in the softness of his skin. 

This was a habit Max had begun after their very first night together.  He would lie awake after Lucas had drifted off and watch him sleep. 

It was as if he was trying to draw a portrait in his mind, memorizing every freckle, every line and every curve.  From the deep rose of his velvety lips to the pale blush that still painted his soft face and neck after their lovemaking. 

Max could remember every inch of Lucas's body in perfect detail. 

In those moments he would often berate himself as silly at the thought of ever needing a portrait of his beloved.  He would tighten his embrace around Lucas and close his eyes secure in the knowledge that they would always be together.  

"Sir, can I get you anything?"
The waiter asked rousing Max from his day-dream.

Begrudgingly Max ordered a cup of coffee just to keep up appearances.  As the waiter walked away Max had to force down his desire to rip the head off every person in the immediate vicinity just to keep them from sensing the pain and longing in his heart. 

He was seldom troubled by such violent impulses but the thought of seeing Lucas again had him vibrating with anticipation. 

Repeatedly, Max reminded himself that this man just looked like Lucas.  There might not be anything similar beyond that and he shouldn't pin false hope on a complete unknown.

His mind knew the truth, but his foolish heart refused to accept anything other than Lucas returning to his arms.

Max couldn't remember the last time he felt so anxious.  The opinions and feelings of others hadn't mattered to him in over 400 yrs, therefore he really never had cause to feel nervous, until now! 

Meanwhile, on the train, Tul nervously brushed a speck of lint off his dark colored jeans.  He had spent most of the morning researching Bluebells and the remainder trying to decide what to wear. 

He wanted to appear professional but yet relaxed.  He had changed his clothes  more for this meeting than he had for his last date, which incidentally he could barely remember. 

Tul rubbed at the back of his neck trying to ease the tension that had seemed to settle there.  He nervously straightened the collar of his white button down for the millionth time.

Why was he so nervous? This was just a simple meeting to clear a financial obligations.

This isn't a date! He reminded himself yet again.

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