The Opportunity

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The trip to the airport had been quiet except for the cab drivers questionable music choices and the soft sniffling of Tul's mom as she discreetly dabbed at her tear stained cheeks.  He squeezed her hand and quietly tried to reassure her that everything would be fine. 

"You need to remember to take your vitamins and drink plenty of water.  Don't forget to buy fresh vegetables and lean meat.  Stay away from all those pre-made dinners you like to buy.  They don't have enough nutrients."

Tul just smiled as he checked her bag and got her boarding pass as she continued to babble on about how he needed to take care of himself while she was away.

"Mom I'll be fine.  I am an adult you know!" He said with a small smile. 

Turning to face him she squared her shoulders and straightened her back to show her seriousness. "You always forget to take care of yourself properly.  You spend so much time working and looking out for me you take your own health for granted.  Promise me you'll do better Tul!"

Pulling her into a tight embrace he  buried his face into the crook of her thin shoulder. Tul took the opportunity to memorize the scent of her perfume.  The scent was soft and sweet like wild flowers in spring time.  She had been wearing the same scent for as long as he could remember and it instantly put him at ease whenever he smelt the fragrance. 

As he reluctantly pulled out of the embrace he met her eyes with equal seriousness,

"I promise momma.  I'll remember to take the vitamins and drink plenty of water and eat healthy food, ok! All I need is for you to listen to your doctors and get lots of rest.  You just need to concentrate on getting better and let me worry about everything else, got it!"

At this moment Tul reached for all of his resolve to keep the smile on his face and the fear out of his eyes.  His mom was his whole world, she had taught him how to keep his head high and never loose focus, how to push past adversity and always keep an eye out for that silver lining.   She was always his touchstone, his safe harbor.  Now it was his turn to carry the load and be her rock.

As he handed over her purse and carry on bag he hugged her once more whispering in her ear "We got this Momma! You never taught me how to give up so I guess we just gotta keep fighting till we win!" He placed a quick kiss on her cheek as she chuckled and playfully punched at his chest before turning to walk thur security.

He watched her till she turned down the hall toward her gate.  It was only then that he felt the strength in his legs begin to falter.  Pushing himself into the nearest seat he buried his head in his hands and cried. 

This was the first moment he had to think about the reality of the situation

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This was the first moment he had to think about the reality of the situation. His mom was getting on a plane to another country to take part in a relatively experimental treatment that could be her last hope which he somehow needed to come up with the money to pay for.  To say he was momentarily overwhelmed was a huge understatement.

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