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"Morning Lex." Elijah said walking to the kitchen to make coffee. "Hey, what time did you get back?" she asked taking her focus away from the window and looking at Elijah. "We got in at around 1." he yawned as he poured three cups of coffee. "We?" she asked noticing the third cup of coffee. "Is Kathy here?" she said excitedly and ran to Eli's room, where Kathy was checking her phone. The girls screamed when they saw each other. Kathy jumped up and they shared a hug that lasted a while. "OMG i havent seen you in like weeks. I missed you." Alexis said dragging Kathleen onto the bed. "Work has been hectic so i havent had time to see anyone, but i missed you so much too. I might have missed you slightly more than Eli." She whispered and they proceeded to giggle. Elijah entered the room with two cups of coffee, meant for him and Kathy, but the girls swiped both cups and continued chatting.  "Dude you can't just hijack my girlfriend, my bed and my coffee."
"Fine i'll leave but i'm taking the coffee. I have my last class for the semester in an hour anyway. I do not want to be here to hear whatever is going to happen in this room today. Catch up later Kathy?" Alexis said leaving Eli's room. "Yeah, see you later." Kathleen laughed. Alexis got ready to go to class. She felt the need to match the weathers aesthetic, so she wore a check blue pleated skirt, black stockings, a white polo type shirt and a oversized blue crewneck top, and of course paired with her chunky black boots. On her way out, Alexis heard a loud bang come from Eli's room, so she hurried to his door that appeared to be locked. "Are you guys okay?" She yelled through the door. They were quiet for a second before replying. "Just a lamp that fell." Eli answered. Alexis laughed and left. "Have fun kids." She said closing the apartment door.
For the next few days, Kathleen stayed over and the three of them hung out together before she had to return back home. Kathleen and Elijah have been making the long distance relationship work for about 2 years. "I'm going to miss you tremendously." Elijah whispered as he held Kathleen in his arms. "We'll be together again soon my love." She said and kissed him. Kathleen and Alexis hugged and then she left for the airport. Elijah and Alexis watched Kathleen drive off and Elijah mumbled, "I can't wait to marry that woman." and he proceeded to go inisde. Alexis smiled and realised that he says that everytime he has to leave Kathleen or she has to leave him. Alexis doesn't really believe in the concept of love, though she is an optimist, but they have always been the couple that has shown her what sacrifices one would make for love, and that has always been inspiring for her.

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