Chapter 12

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"Cameron looks down at his mate smiling thinking what did he do to deserve such an amazing woman who is now carrying his pups, so should we go on a date beauty, I would like that but I'm scared what if the council show up, they won't if we go to the summer house, ok, I will call andy, mind link andy, yes alpha, set up the summer house and let me know when it is done I want 100 men outside and you will be the main protector, yes I understand alpha may I be dismissed, yes you may get everything ready, violet has a slight sip of Camerons thick red blood, which makes Cameron seemed so much happier time to get everything ready he chuckles to himself

(a few hours later)

"Alpha it is ready, okay we are on our way, alpha Cameron picked up his luna violet

"Beauty who is now carrying his pups,so should we go on an date beauty,i would like that but im scared what if the council show up,they won't if we go to the summer house,ok,i will call andy,(mindlink) andy,yes alpha,set up the summer house and let me know when it is done i want 100 men outside and you will be the main protector, yes i understand alpha may i be dismissed,yes you may get everything ready,violet has a slight sip of camerons thick red blood,which makes cameron seem so much happier time to get everything ready he chuckles to himself,(mind link) alpha its ready,alpha cameron picks up his Luna and moves towards the car they will now take to the summer house along with the 100 men to protect him luna and children along with andy who the alpha loves and cares for like a bother,camron sighed as he got into the car with andy driving,are you comfortable my dear luna,yes i am fine so what is the plan what are we doing,well i plan to spend the next 3 days alone with you,yes but i need to get the magic ready for when the council come,well we still have 30 days well counting now 29,don't jinx it Cameron,sorry love i am just so excited to finally be alone with you,cough,Cameron looked to the side,yes andy i know you are there,sorry alpha,it is fine when you find your mate i think you will understand,yes alpha i will keep that in mind doing my best to look after you and the luna,glad to hear it andy also alpha we are here.,Cameron looks up at andy his beta in front of him you look nervous,yeah i am i don't like the councial proberly never told you this alpha but there killed my parents,what that was not written in my reports about you,well i like my privacy i was 20 when rouges slaughterd them i will never forgot the sad looks in there eyes telling me to run,im so sorry andy,its fine alpha i understand.

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