Start from the beginning

(They walk into the living room.)

Piper: What I mean is I'm this super powerful witch who's engaged to a Whitelighter saving the world from evil on a daily freaking basis, and all these people are going to see is the same pitiful loser who still lives at home with her sisters and her unemployed boyfriend.

Prue: Did you put a lot of hairspray on that hair?

Piper: No.

Prue: Well, then all is not lost. By the time I'm done with you, you are going to be the hottest chick at the reunion.

Piper: Really?

Prue: Mmm hmm. Who do you think helped Phoebe go blonde?

Leo: Hey, uh, speaking of Phoebe, maybe you guys should invite her to join you, she's been kind of distant lately.

Piper: Leo she still a little upset that Cole didn't fall for her and then finding out that he was sent here to kill us but came to think of us as family she wanted him to fall in love with her

Prue: Also watching all of your sisters be in happy relationship or having a baby and the first guy she likes does not feel the same way about her, it hurts.

Across town

Rose is just walking out of her class and she sees a girl from her class flirting with James, so she walks over to them

Rose: Hey there Kayla do you mind not flirting with my Finance please

Kayla: Oh please you are a nerd there is no way that this very hot guy is your finance

Rose: Look just because I will be graduating in a few weeks and already have a job lined up while you will more then likely will have to repeat this year and just because you think I am a nerd does not mean I am let's ask my Fiancée here by the way his name is James

Rose turns to James

Rose: James Babe do you think that I am a nerd?

James smiles and walks over to Rose and wraps his arms around her waist

James: No, I think that you are beautiful and I can't wait to marry you

Kayla just walks away

James: Ready for lunch babe

Rose: Yes can we talk about you know getting married

James: Yes we can

Rosie pulls away from James and takes his hand and they walk away.

An alchemist's lab. He smashes some glass test tubes with his hand. He holds up his bleeding hand. A woman (Terra) is standing in front of him.]

Kierkan: (shouting) I made you from my own blood, found you a flawless body and housed you in it. You were supposed to be my...

Terra: Masterpiece? I'm not a painting, Kierkan. That blood gave me your powers. You lust for life, yet you hold me captive in this hole and you expect me to be grateful?

Kierkan: Belthazor was more powerful than either of us. Where is he now? Vanquished by the Charmed Ones.

Terra: Is that fear I'm sensing? Is Kierkan, the dark and powerful alchemist afraid of three little witches?

Kierkan: Perhaps I should suck you into your little mixing bottle and start again. There's always room for improvement.

Terra: I have a better idea.

(She picks up a dagger and stabs herself with it.)

Kierkan: No! (Blue gas rises from her body and floats out the door.) I will find you, Terra. You belong to me!

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