Chapter 18: Servant Of Hope And Despair

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(3rd Person's POV)

"Now listen, since I've planned the game out this far... I would like it to be completed." The Servant said. "Of course, perhaps I am being somewhat unfair to you two. Rather, the one who disappointed me was Toko."

"Huh?" Komaru wondered.

"Ugh!" Toko grunted as she felt a shiver go down her spine.

"Now perhaps I am mistaken, but I believe we made a promise. You were to escort them to headquarters." The Servant told her.

"Promise? E-Escort...? What are you talking about?" Komaru asked, looking nervous.

"..." Toko stayed silent, cursing herself.

"Oh, I really think it should be Toko who answers that question. But if you continue to be silent, the story cannot progress. So I will speak." The Servant offered as he began. "I made a deal with Toko. If she escorts you and Aki to the children's main base, I will release Byakuya Togami. Consider it exchanging hostages. The plan was to trade you two and Byakuya."

Komaru blinked, her face paling. "...What? What are you talking about?"

"..." Akira stayed silent, only furrowing her brows as she stared at the Servant.

"And it was such a good deal, too... Why did it have to come to this?" The Servant sighed in disappointment.

Komaru slowly shook her head in denial. "Th-That's a lie, right? You're lying right now, aren't you? You're just making it up..." She made a quick glance towards Toko.

"I...I don't think it is..." Akira mumbled. "He looks and sounds way too calm to be lying..."

"..." Toko grimly shut her eyes, trying her hardest to tune out the conversation.

"Ah, that's just how I usually am, Aki. But you are correct. Think back on how you three first met." The Servant continued. "When Komaru first arrived at the hospital on your parachute, did you know why Toko turned up there? She came to save you because she was told where you'd be landing. How else could you explain such a contrived encounter? Ah, and come to think of also met Aki on that rooftop as well. I suppose you can thank me for that as well, since I had a hand in breaking her out of her prison."

"You...what...?" Akira stared at him in confusion.

"I also made sure to have you break out right around the time the riots in Towa City happened so that you would meet Komaru and Toko in time. All of that by pure chance... Heh, my luck sure does wonders..." The Servant lightly chuckled before moving on. "Anyway, the reason Toko has been your companions through all of this is because of her deal with me."

"L-Lies! You're lying..." Komaru felt a cold sweat roll down her face.

"..." Toko twitched.

"I went through considerable trouble making sure you would complete this little game. Returning the Hacking Gun you had lost, having the Monokuma Kids deliver items... That was me." The Servant revealed. "Consider it "game balance," as they say. You've thought about it before, I'm sure. Why enemies conveniently drop items, why the path you must travel on to advance is always clear... The game began as a way for the children to have fun, but it was also a game to help you grow. And I am the one who made it that way."

"Wh-Why me...?" Komaru whimpered.

"Hm? You mean, why was I so particular about choosing you? Well, that is all your brother's fault, of course." The Servant answered nonchalantly.


"He defeated Junko Enoshima, the one I truly hate... And I wasn't there to witness it. Sure, I suppose that achievement could also go to Aki's older sister, but unlike her, Makoto Naegi stood hopeful to the very end, never once letting despair defile his psyche. That's why, this time around... I wanted to see the action up close. And not only that. Unlike him, an Ultimate, you are a normal girl who can't do anything..." The Servant made a subtle scowl before returning to her soft smile. "That was particularly compelling. Her brother, a hero, the Symbol of Hope. The little sister, utterly boring by comparison... If someone like you were to stand against despair...that would bring hope to the people. Hope is exclusively found on the side of the weak. The losing side. People are touched by underdog stories. Slaying Goliath, the weaker team winning a game... The majority of society is made up of the weak and untalented. They are inspired by such tales..."

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