Chapter 7: Into The Subway

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(3rd Person's POV)

We find ourself in a strange room with dim lights and candles. In the center of the room was a shrine to the apparently deceased Masaru.

Monaca clapped her eyes together and closed her eyes. "May his soul rest in peace."

"Rest in peace... rest in peace..." Jataro and Kotoko chanted along with Monaca.

Meanwhile, Nagisa stayed behind, his arms folded while looking disinterested in the whole thing.

Monaca then sobbed. "I feel so bad for Masaru... This is just too cruel..."

"He always acted all big, and was a perverted idiot, but...he was a pretty good person." Kotoko sighed. "I remember the time he fixed the air conditioner, and even the chairs and tables, too..."

"Um... I was the one who did that..." Jataro corrected.

Kotoko completely ignored Jataro as she continued. "Anyway, he was a good person. Oh Kami, why do the good ones always die first!?"

"I should have been the one to die. Might as well. That's how it feels... Like you're trying to hide that you actually think I should have died, cuz no one likes me." Jataro said before tears welled up in his eyes. "But I agree with you. It would be much better for the hated one to die instead of the leader of the Warriors of Hope..."

"Ah, that reminds me!" Kotoko exclaimed. "That's totally true! Masaru was the leader, huh?"

"What are we to do without our leader? Oh, Masaru!" Monaca hiccuped.

"Oh no, Monaca crying..." Kotoko grimaced. "If that's the case, then allow me to join you." She offered before bursting into tears. "Waaaaaaaaah! Oh, Masaruuu! Why, why, why?! I wanted to play with youuu!"

"Ugh... if only I went first, Masaru wouldn't have died. I'm a useless loser..." Jataro cried. "And being locked in the bathroom by Masaru is no excuse! It's my fault for being there. I shouldn't have been pooping in the first place."

"Hey now..." Nagisa spoke up amidst all the crying.  "It's not as if we're positive that Masaru is dead, right?"

"Waaah, even though he was so strong, so full of life... Now he's just a chunk of meat!" Monaca cried, seemingly ignoring Nagisa.

"Like I said..." Nagisa continued. "According to the Monokuma Kids' report, they did not say he was dead. The report indicated that he was captured by adults, and his status is unknown."

Monaca then stopped crying. "But "unknown"... That means he's dead, right?"


"Think back to those talk shows that used to be on when times were peaceful." Monaca continued. "Hearing "status unknown" or "unconscious"... You knew they're probably gonna die anyway. That's what I always thought, anyway."

"But, but even so, if we don't actually confirm it for ourselves..." Nagisa trailed off.

"No, it would be pointless. Our precious Masaru... He's returned to the earth now." Monaca sobbed.

"But... We should have someone go look into it, just in case..." Nagisa tried to argue.

But Monaca would just childishly wave her fist into the air. "It's! Gonna! Be! Useless! Masaru! Is! Dead!" She yelled, throwing another fit. "A prince! Who became! A star! What! Is essential! Is! Invisible! To! The! Eye!"

Kotoko gasped. "My goodness! You made Monaca maaad."

"Awww, now you're gonna be the hated one, Nagisa. Even more than me..." Jataro grinned.

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