Chapter 8: Say Hello To Shirokuma!

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(3rd Person's POV)

The three young girls went through the subway again, with Komaru in the lead. Thanks to the abundance of Monokumas up in Towa City, they decided to head back underground. But they screeched to a halt as a Monokuma Kid stood there, seeming like it was waiting for them.

"Tee hee..." The Monokuma Kid giggled as they handed Komaru the Knockback Bullet.

"Huh...? This thing..." Komaru muttered.

"Kyahahaha!" The Monokuma Kid laughed as they ran off.

"Is that...a new kind of bullet?" Toko asked. "This looks pretty useful."

"But this gun belongs to Future Foundation, right? So why are the kids giving me bullets?" Komaru wondered.

"I-I guess, maybe... There might be some kids in the group who want to support us." Toko guessed with a shrug.

"Huh? Support us?" 

"But who cares about that right now? Let's just look for the exit."



The three continued on their way throughout the subway, but suddenly Toko shivered. "Ah, th-this is just too much. Out of the question, this creepiness is just...out of the question. Isn't it just going to get darker if we keep going? I-Is it really going to be okay?"

"It's probably gonna be fine." Komaru told her half-heartedly.

Toko's eyebrows lowered as she made an unamused expression. "You suck at cheering people up. Can't you choose your words more wisely? Well, I'm sure you're just laughing at me in your head, thinking I'm just some scared little girl..."

"I'm not laughing about it. I don't like dark places, either. ...But honestly, for some reason I feel... at ease." Komaru smiled.

"Wh-Why do you feel at ease!? You enjoy taking pleasure in other people's suffering? My suffering tastes delicious and you're planning on a four-course meal, huh? You sure have a bitchy personality. You're the type to talk trash at a wedding, aren't you?" Toko narrowed her eyes.

"Jeez, you sure like to overreact a lot." Akira mumbled.

"I-I'm not overreacting! I'm just seeing through her l-lies!" Toko defended as she softly glared at her.

"I-I didn't mean it like that... I just mean that I'm sure you're working hard, too." Komaru said.

"O-Of course. Even I'm at my limit. I'm scared of blood and the dark and I'm just so tired,'s no choice but to do it." Toko sighed. "I'm not some...crybaby, whiny, airheaded girl."

"Whiny...crybaby?" Komaru tilted her head before widening her eyes and pointing behind Toko. "Wah!"

"Gyaaaaa!" Toko turned around to where Komaru pointed and screeched, making a horrified and horrifying face.

"Kyaaa!" Komaru took a step back, screaming as well.

"...Wh-What? What was that!?" Toko snapped her head to Komaru.

"S-Sorry, I tried to scare you, but then your reaction scared me..."

"...Huh!? You really are an idiot!"

"I was just trying to ease the tension a little!"

"Yeah, well, now I'm more afraid of your stupidity than the dark."

"Oh, sorry..."

The two girls then turned the head around to see Akira right in front of their faces. "Boo."

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