Prologue Part Two: Automatic Ursine Assault

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(3rd Person's POV)

The doors to the building burst open as Komaru came running out. Stopping for a moment, she panted while leaning down and gripping her knees. On the one side, while she is still scared out of her mind, the girl can't help but feel a small feeling of relief being outside for the first time in what seemed like ages since her kidnapping.

After regaining her bearings, Komaru looked around and eventually saw a restaurant just a couple feet away. "There it is!"


"Huh?" Komaru turned her head to see multiple people screaming in pain and agony as many Monokumas were slaughtering the innocent people of the city. Pink blood was coated on the bears, mostly their claws. "W...What's going on...?" She looked on at the scene in fear.

Then, the sound of a car crashing caught her attention as Komaru saw a Monokuma on top of a car with his claws punctured on the roof, the man inside the car obviously killed by the bear that caused the crash.

Komaru stood frozen in fear, tears welling up in the corners of her eyes. Finally, she found it in herself to finally move as she ran towards the restaurant. "Help...SOMEONE HELP ME!"


Making a break towards the restaurant, Komaru entered it to see...

...That everything is completely fine? There were people in there, ordering and enjoying their food like normal. No screaming, no brutal murdering...everything was normal.

"Welcome!" The cashier, who saw Komaru, greeted her with a smile. "Table for one?"

Disregarding the normalcy of the restaurant, Komaru went straight to the point. "B-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-BEAR ATTACK!"

The cashier raised an eyebrow. "A bear?"

"Bears everywhere!" Komaru yelled, getting up the the cashiers face. "Call the military! Paramedics! Hurry! If we don't hurry..."

"Miss, please keep your voice down..." The cashier pleaded as everyone in the restaurant, staff and customers alike, threw weird looks towards the two. "You're disturbing the other customers!"

"Who cares about that?! Hurry!" Komaru begged, raising her voice a little louder.

The cashier let out a sigh. "Alright, fine. Now please, be quiet, okay? Relax, and stay calm." She then picked up the phone and called the police. "Hello? Police? Some suspicious girl..."


A Monokuma robot rammed itself through the window as it sliced through the cashier. Her instincts reacting for her, Komaru crouched down, avoiding most of the glass shards.

Reluctantly, Komaru peeked her head out to see that within moments, everything went to hell. Everyone in the restaurant apart from her was dead, with blood pouring out of their motionless bodies.

Komaru covered her mouth and cowered behind the area, hoping not to get caught by the Monokuma. Thankfully, she succeeded as the Monokuma leaped off to find somebody else to murder.

"Someone help me..." Komaru begged as she shivered before she heard a sound and her attention shifted to the television on a nearby wall.

"Emergency! Riots are breaking out all over Towa City! Take refuge immediately! I repeat: Citizens of Towa City take refuge!" The newsman ordered.

"You say that, but..." Komaru trailed off as she winced at the sound of another person getting sliced open by a Monokuma. Yeah, kind of hard to take refuge with robots slaughtering everybody in sight.

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