Fight: The Tournament begins

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*People talking*
*Visage of One For All talking/Thoughts/Power/Quirk*

*One Day before Tournament Begins*

Azazel smiles at Izuku and says "Okay Izuku. I think you are prepared for the Tournament. No, more training for today just so you can be in your best shape for tomorrow's show. Any question you want to ask about?"

Izuku thinks a little and then asks "Sensei, I do have someone I want to talk about." Azazel nods and Izuku continues "His name is Diodora. Do you know anything about him?" Azazel thinks 'Why does Izuku want to know about that gaki?' and then says "His full name is Diodora Beelzebub. He is the second son of Lord and Lady Beelzebub. His powers are something I will not tell you but he is a strong opponent. Why did you ask about him though?"

Izuku ignores the question and asks "Do I have to face someone if I beat him up?" Azazel was a little shocked at the question but replies nonetheless "No, If you defeat him no one can attack you. Because the rules are if a participant has defeated a person they will not get hurt in any circumstances and if in any case the participant is hurted both the participant who was defeated and there rival family is punished. The severity depends upon the injury and it is worse for a case of murder."

"But you don't have to worry about it, if you do end up beating that gaki his family are good people. They don't normally do shit and are they are not petty as well. Beelzebub are very prideful so they accept their defeat wholeheartedly." Says Azazel and Izuku nodded with that Izuku drops his shoulder and got a sad face as Azazel asks "What happened? Tensed about the competition." Izuku shook his head in denial and says "No, it's not that."

Azazel then asks him "Then what is it?" Izuku looks sadly at Azazel and says "It is the last time me and you will meet." Azazel looks at Izuku and then laughs hysterically and Izuku looks in shock as Azazel calms down and put a hand on Izuku's head before he says "You idiot, you think you will have to train by yourself."

Azazel laughs again and then flicks at Izuku's forehead and replies "You think your stupid ass can control Two of the strongest Dragons in the history of this planet by yourself. You can't even control your mana correctly. Therefore, what I am trying to say is there is a lot you can learn and lot you have to do. Don't think I am going to let you do all that on you own. I am always with you." Says Azazel with seriousness as Izuku stares in the space.


Izuku has a dying ALL MIGHT in his arms as Izuku is shedding some tears as ALL MIGHT says "I will always be with you."

*Flashback ends*

Izuku snap back to reality and smiles genuinely at Azazel and hugs him before he says "Really? Thank you, Sensei." Azazel hugs pats the back of the boy and smiles happily at his student showing emotions. Izuku smiles as he made a mental note to take plenty of rest for the competition.

*Few Hours Later*

Izuku was walking around the town when he saw a crowd. Izuku got a little curious as to who the people were looking out for Izuku walks in the crowd and looks at a King's Caravan passing through the street. Izuku taps on one of the citizen looking at the caravan and asks him "Who are they?"

The excited citizen didn't turn back and says "Lord Chidorigafuchi and their family are here for the Tournament." Izuku looks at the caravan in a slight shock before he gains his posture and sees what could only be told by an ice princess.

A girl with a beautiful, white-skinned young woman with below-the-knee length silver hair, red eyes that have long eyelashes, glossy pink lips and a voluptuous trained body. Standing on one of the vehicle and was taking everyone's admiration. The girl then looks at Izuku as Izuku got a bit shocked and bowed a little before he look at the girl who chuckles and went back to doing her thing.

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