Chapter 1

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This isn't officially starting just yet, not until I've finished the little mini fic that goes along with it, Source Of Comfort. I just wanted to get the first chapter up now.



He had to leave. With everything that had happened regarding his father, he just can't stay in New York any longer. Not to mention he's now jobless after being forced to resign from his job as a profiler with the NYPD.

Aside from his friends and family, there's nothing there for him anymore. Nothing truly keeping him there anymore if he's no longer allowed to catch killers.

So one night, three weeks after the incident with his father in Vermont - which his father unfortunately survived - he's packing his bags with everything he needs, and leaves. But not before a quick stop at Dani's apartment to drop off Sunshine with her. Telling her that he's going away for a while, and he needs her to look after Sunshine for him.

The alpha had questioned him, asked him where he was going at such short notice. Wanting an explanation to where he was leaving to all of a sudden and when he would be coming back.

But he didn't tell her where he was going. Just that he needed to get out of New York for awhile, and that he wasn't sure when he'd be back. Told her that after what had happened, he just needed to get away for a while.

He had left before she could ask anymore questions. Didn't want her to force him to stay, or make him wait around for her to call Gil and have the older alpha talk to him and try and convince him to stay.

He catches the next flight out to London at the airport. Why London, when he has no friends or family there? He's not sure. He'd just bought a ticket to the next plane that was leaving. Which happened to be headed to London.

And for some reason, a reason that he cannot explain, London just feels like the right place to go. And it's far away from his father. But he feels like that's not the only reason why it just feels right to go to London.

Feels like just maybe there's something waiting for him there.


It's now been a week since Malcolm's been in London, and so far, nothing.

Nothing has happened, and while yes it's nice to be nowhere near his father, he also has no real idea what he's supposed to do next. He's an unmated omega all alone in London, where he doesn't know anybody.

He really didn't think this all through....

And honestly, as he sits at a table all alone in some pub in London, he's beginning to think that he should just return to New York. Believing that he was stupid to leave in the first place. He could've just dealt with all these... weird feelings he's having back in America, because he really didn't need to leave the country to deal with the exact same things.

Really, the only good thing about coming to London that he's found so far is that he's nowhere near his father. And his father has no way of contacting him.

Actually, no one has a way of contacting him. He didn't tell anyone except Dani that he was leaving for a while, and he never gave her anything to contact him on. Hell, he even left his mobile back in the loft. Choosing to purchase a new mobile and get a new number while away.

Which he's now realising is definitely going to worry everyone back home. But he doesn't find himself caring all that much.

As he sits by himself, nursing a rather strong glass of whiskey, something causes him to look up over towards the pub's entrance as three men walk inside. From their scents, an alpha, a beta, and an omega.

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