✡️ 7. Damothalon History ✡️

Start from the beginning

I quickly wiped my eyes with the handkerchief that gave out a sweet lemon scent. It was somewhat really calming and made me feel refreshed. I turned towards Rose again but she was busy following what was written in the book. It was really surprising that she had this effect on me. It reminded me of how I was back in the day in school. No one really cares about me if you take Aoi out of the picture. Aoi is a different case and is partly my brother so, if he wasn't around, I'd be that kid the whole school popularity wouldn't want to engage with. Meeting someone like Rose here made me feel how friends should be.

With a smile, I went back to the book. It turned out that, long before this island was in small pieces. It was spread out by a huge explosion. To which, it sounded to me like a volcanic eruption. This main island that was situated in the middle had special soil. Soil that made nature a lot different than what we usually see back at home. More importantly, this magical world is separated from the Earth. This was more an invisible world next to Earth, where immortals could pass through. This is what they called the invisible line that separates these two worlds. This is called Damothalon. Not Earth, but the invisible world.

At that time, only one person had the power; Queen Rina. Her background story was all in a mix that kind of felt mysterious and confusing to me. Her extremely wonderful power was all a blank in my head. Here in the book it was mentioned she had immense powers that no one could surpass her powers but, there was nothing about what they were. Probably she didn't want to find them out as that could be her weakness if a villain ever wanted her powers for destruction. This took me back to the time that evil thing said to me. That thing was after me. Why?

The more I kept thinking about that incident and about what Queen Rina said to me, that I wasn't supposed to attend this school here. Only Aoi was expected to arrive. Not me. As I started to read more about the book, I came across the same woman that I saw in one of the hallways. The red hair and the amazing beauty. She had a resemblance to me. Before I could read any further, someone in the back of the class suddenly raised their hand and spoke up the question that I had in my mind for a pretty long time.

"Excuse me Mr Titus, but who is this woman with red hair?" A boy with brown curly hair asked. Looking at his outfit, he was from Zenith.

"Nate, that is someone we do not speak of at the moment by the Queen's orders. But, I will only tell you this. Her name is Althenea. She's actually the younger sister of our lovely Queen and we do not speak of her because she's lost somewhere and we do not know. She's a lost princess. Hope this answers your question. Now sit down Nate." Mr Titus answers with a bit of sadness in his tone as he had his eyes on the book. There was some spark in his eyes as that of how a lover would look at his partner.

The more I stared at Mr Titus, a smile crossed over my face to how he had this kind of side to him. Well, he wasn't as bad as Mr Isaac who was pretty strict but, Mr Titus had a softer heart in that strict appearance of his. I kind of like Mr Titus better than Mr Isaac. If Mr Isaac heard this, he'd be heartbroken. I'm his best student after all.

My eyes fell on the book again. As I kept on reading, the Zuke was created by Althenea and the rest was created by the Queen. This was all that was mentioned in the book. There was nothing more about her. Even what Mr Titus told us about her wasn't in the book. Well, it was mentioned she was lost but that's all. This made me curious as she had appeared in my visions countless times and these visions, which were actually nightmares from when I was small, seem to be appearing many times in my mind now. Back then, when I complained about bad headaches to Aoi's parents they wanted me to get me consulted by a doctor and according to the doctor, there was no issue in my brain. But, why do these visions appear? Looks like I won't be able to sleep well at night today.

I shook my head and went on to the next. It was about the Six Categories of The Z. The spiritualists were Zuke, the earth users were Zenith, the fire users were Zen, the water users were Zion, the ice users- which Aoi was in, was Zapphire and last of all the air users were Zafura. So they were basically the six elements. It's very rare for anyone to have two, three or four of these elements together. To the maximum amount of any of these elements a person holds is where they belong.

The Knight Of Zuke | Book 1 #NaNoWriMoWhere stories live. Discover now