Chapter 4

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Now today was a normal day, for her that is but it wasn't gonna last long since it was only the beginning of her morning sadly for her. Her kids were sleeping in since it was the weekend but she still had to work so with no other option (y/n) decided to take them to work with her hoping they won't cause trouble or turn into their monkey form during work hours. (y/n) sipped her coffee out on the terrace minding her own and waiting for her sons to wake up, while waiting she also watched the sun come up with a slight purple hue which oddly enough reminded her of macaque... not that she missed him or anything like that.

Meanwhile, ming-Yue and yang woke up to the sound of a slight rummaging sound and startling ming-yue he got up and went to his brother holding his arm as they both stared at the closet of course yang was glaring towards it with a slight growl, and his fur on the verge of bristling. The two slowly stalked toward their closet door once yang got up from his bed, " let's just get mom.. Please" ming-Yue asked yang only to hear a tut from yang as the two left their room to find both of their mom. As the two looked around they could hear a male chuckle echo throughout the apartment, alarming them both to scream for their mom.

(y/n) was quick to hear them, dropping her coffee cup she ran down the stairs (well more of jumped) slamming the door open to see yang and ming-yue holding one another. Ming-yue was trembling with bristled fur with yangs fur the same "what's wrong!?" she yelled catching her son's attention and resulting in the two running to her and hugging her tightly making her wince a little by their strength. "Mama! there was this sound and... and it was so scary" ming-yue whined while burying his face in her side, yang was as scared as his brother was but he didn't let it show in tears but in a protective manner with his small growl and glare before it softened when he couldn't hear the chuckling anymore.

After a long while of trying to calm the two little boys, they eventually calmed down and were ready to go to work with her aka pigsy's noodles. (y/n) was now getting her coat on in her room but suddenly froze at the feeling of paranoia crawling up her spine quickly turned only to see a very dark hawk at her window, the dark hawk tilted his head and pecked at her window glass gently. She, on the other hand, walked to her window and closed the blinds since the hawk seemed all too familiar to her, choosing to ignore it she finished putting on her coat and walked out of her room and onto the front door now leaving with her kids to her work.

(Y/n) was now crossing the street to pigsy's after a 20-minute walk from the apartment building, opening the door for them and hearing the bell chime Tang looked up from his noodles and book to look at her and her sons, thank Gods they were in human form too. "Oh hey (y/n), who are the kids you brought?" tang asked politely "these two are ming-yue and yang, my sons" she pointed to each one after saying their names, ming-yue waved hello shyly whale yang walked around the restaurant curious. Pigsy came out with an order and looked at the kids then (y/n) "did you bring em?" he questioned with a lifted brow and small scowl "I did cause I have no one to watch them" (y/n) reasoned with him making the demon pig huff "as long as they don't get their grubby hands on the noodles like freeloader here" "hey!" tang interrupted before pigsy finished "then you can bring em in anytime you can't get someone to watch the two" "oh my... do you mean that cause if you do you're a life saver" (y/n) told him before going behind the counter and hugged him while he grumbled and patted her back.

She was now working while tang kept her kids occupied with some funny historical stories along with a few myth-appropriate ones too. As she worked in the kitchen with pigsy (y/n) was sure to listen to a few of the stories tang told yang and ming-yue since a few of those stories seemed interesting and also a good laugh. Mk came into the restaurant with a bell chiming to alert others that he was there with the open of a door, he saw the kids and couldn't help but adore them so walking over to them Mk joined the two little ones in listening to tang tell stories. Pigsy was gonna go and yell at him but (y/n) stopped pigsy and offered to take mk's place instead, after some persuading pigsy agreed to let her go and do deliveries but before she left to do so she looked to mk and asked him. "Could you babysit for me? I will pay you if you do" "(y/n) you don't have to pay me to watch these two" mk told her in return to which she said "okay then here is my address so you could take them there if you'd like or if they want to go home" mk nodded and looked over the address then up to her as he followed her out of the restaurant before asking her in curiosity "are you avoiding me cause you dislike me or is it something else?" his words caught her off guard to which she looked at him after securing the orders she had. "I.... I don't dislike you mk I was just a bit scared of the staff since it reminded me of a nightmare I had, but I'm getting over it and used to you too so don't feel like I hate you at all" she smiled at him warmly as she does with her children and surprising her again he hugged the women who was somewhat shorter than him. He thanked her before letting her go to do her deliveries.

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