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It is said that 6 years before MK had become the successor of the oh-so-great "monkey king: the great sage, heavens equal", sun wukong had a lover and her name was (y/n) but as much as she was his lover she was also the lover to the six-eared macaque. But soon enough she had to choose between the two... forced by the two monkeys who found out about her secret about seeing the two of them in secret, the two felt betrayed by her. So they needed her to answer who would be her lover yet she couldn't bring herself to choose between them, so she left. The woman left her home and moved away and hid where she couldn't be found by them, with the help of "princess iron fan" of course.

While in hiding she soon found herself to be pregnant, but the woman knew all too well who the fathers were and what her children would potentially be. (y/n) didn't want to be alone in this so she contacted a friend of hers, "princess iron fan" and she was (and still are) close enough to be considered friends. It had taken the princess to consider taking her to their home for a year and help her with the pregnancy, only to decide that (y/n) only wanted help with the birth of her children resulting in the agreement to be made. The agreement is: "that once the children are born, they will keep their power hidden from the world until a time comes where their power may be needed or if she were to come back home to megapolis". The woman agreed by her terms hesitantly but was happy to have help and her secret kept.


Present (6 years later)


(y/n) slept in her bed dreaming of nothing but a blank space as always and was soon disturbed by her two sons waking her up to be more excited than anything, the excitement is the big move they were taking back to megapolis. The golden-furred child named "Yang" shook her arm on the left while the dark-furred child on her right named "Ming-Yue" was yawning and rubbing one of his gold eyes tiredly. "Mom! Get up it's time to get ready!" exclaimed an energetic yang before (y/n) sat up on her bed with a yawn of her own while petting ming-yue's head who was nodding off tiredly, he looked to be woken up by yang the same way she was. "I'm up, now get dressed yang and you too ming-yue" she muttered softly to the both of them, soon watching both boys leave. As soon as the two had left she moved to stand from her bed to her duffel bag to change into clothes for the road trip ahead of them.

In the middle of brushing her teeth, her boys came into the kitchen to get themselves cereal which ironically are peach-flavored flakes. (y/n) was now finished and was making her coffee all the while listening and answering questions her sons had about megapolis.

Soon enough the three were getting the car packed up with their bags and other boxes that the movers didn't take, not that she was complaining about or bothered about it. Now packing the last box in and shutting the trunk she walked to the driver's seat and got herself strapped in while starting the car only to hear it roar to life. (y/n) let her kids choose the music station as always before starting their long drive that would probably take a good 24 hours if they stayed on the road and had only a few rest stops. "I hope you two are ready for an adventure" (y/n) called to them, only to hear the both of them yell a "hell yeah!" resulting in her chuckling to herself and heading off to the city she called home.


So...... this is my first book well Wattpad book and I don't know if it will be good in any way shape or form. But I'm trying and as nervous as I am I'm excited but terrified. Lol. also sorry if it's short.

I just hope you liked the prologue and what is yet to come. Now bye.

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