Chapter Thirty-Three

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In general I'm going to operate a write a chapter-post a chapter policy...with the occasional extra upload like today where I just post because I do have a few saved up and it doesn't make sense to keep it to myself...
Enjoy please vote and comment! I love interacting with you all!
"I want to make it really clear right now, I do not want to be sacrificing my race result tomorrow to keep Max in the running. I didn't mind sacrificing two points...but there's ten points difference between first and third tomorrow and I think I can get it so I'm asking you, please don't ask me to compromise my race for Max," I tell Christian very clearly that evening in his office. All the meetings are done and dusted, and everything is prepared for tomorrow but I felt that I needed to go and reiterate this point to Christian who is currently sitting on the other side of his desk listening to me. "I understand your loyalty to Max but I promise you that my loyalty should be valued as highly, I can win this championship, this season, but I need your trust and backing to do that," I tell him earnestly, the frustration had been building inside my chest all evening, throughout the happy interviews where everyone praised my good team spirit. "I'm here for the title," I reiterate and watch Christian nod.

"Look, don't worry, it shouldn't come down to that. Thank you for being a team player today, you're right, your pace was definitely on par with the Ferrari's and I think you have a very good chance of beating them tomorrow. You're in the better position and we will be working out absolute hardest to get you on that top step." Christian says calmly and reassuringly and I just nod. "You managed to extend your lead to five points." He says smiling proudly and I nod.

"A shame for Russell on the engine issues," I say shrugging and he nods. Red Bull was now 33 points ahead of both Mercedes and Ferrari thanks to the performance today and we were looking to extend that lead tomorrow. "What happened with Max though? There seemed to be power issues?" I question and Christian nods, brow furrowing at the mention of the issue that had been glazed over in the team meetings.

"Yeah, we think the digital settings were wrong but we think we can fix it by tomorrow." He says confidently and I nod.

"Alright, that was all I wanted to say really, I'm enjoying my time here a lot. The car is great and the team is amazing, I want to be the one to win the championship for you. I just wanted to reiterate that." I say seriously staring deeply into his eyes and watching him nod in agreement which brings a smile to my face.

"Right now we have no reason to intervene, you're both pushing the constructors in the right direction so hopefully we can just continue in that fashion, no one needs to be compromised for the other." He says and I wince before raising my eyebrows at him to remind him of what happened today. "In a feature race," he clarifies and I eye him warily before nodding.

"Right, well, I'll see you later."

"See you Elodie, let's get them tomorrow Lioness." I smile as I exit his office, immediately running into Nick who has waited at the track for me.

"Ready to go?" He asks and I nod silently as I look at the rather empty paddock around us.

"So ready," I mutter.

"You did good today," he says as we reach the paddock turnstiles and I nod smiling widely.

"I did. Tomorrow is where it really counts, I want that first place." I say determinedly thinking back to my conversation with Sebastian. He had backed what I had done, said it was the right decision for today and that I had to pick my moments to be selfish and that today had been the right time to be selfless. Especially in Red Bull there were going to need to be times where I was selfish, but it had been good to buy some of the teams favour today. But Seb was very clear about the fact that tomorrow was not the time to be selfless. I needed to put myself first because that would be the only way to get the win. That was the champion mentality.

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