Chapter Fifteen

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What I didn't anticipate was that in the course of our forty-five minute nap I would somehow end up in his arms. With only the duvet separating us, my arms tucked into my chest, head under his chin while his arms held me close, as though he was protecting me from some kind of danger. Hearing Max's alarm wasn't able to alert me to this, it was only the knock at the door a few minutes later that really caused me to stir from the deep sleep I was experiencing. I went to roll over and quickly realised that I was unable to, stuck in Max's warm and comforting embrace. I groaned and tried to wake him but as my family knocked at the door once again and I failed once more to wake him I took the evil option.

I wiggled my arms slightly before wiggling my fingers underneath his arms and on his sides causing his body to convulse from the tickling as he practically pushed me out of his arms and almost off the bed. I giggled to myself as I stood up, looking at his confused face before the realisation set in and he swore in Dutch as I walked over to the door. I opened the door to my parents, brothers and girlfriends who were laden down with boxes upon boxes of pizza and quickly ushered them into the room. "Oh hi, Max!" My dad says in surprise when he sees the Dutchman, now standing beside the bed, having moved rather fast.

"Hi, sorry, we fell asleep after the meeting. Well not we, as in we fell asleep together, but as in both of us separately fell asleep after the meeting...Uh, tired." Max just sort of began to ramble causing amusement from my dad and a knowing smirk from my mum to me while I tried to shake my head at her before she got any ideas. "Anyways, I will go now, see you later Elodie and let me know when you can fly. Lando has already gone, so I'll fly you, Nick, Liv and Dani out whenever you're cleared." Max says, seemingly regaining brain function and I open my mouth to argue with him about the plane before my dad interrupts.

"Oh that's nice of you, thank you, Max." He says, basically accepting the offer on my behalf making Max smirk triumphantly at me and me to roll my eyes. "But nonsense, you should stay. We bought too much pizza as it is!" He says motioning to one of the 7 large pizza boxes, as well as other sides and drinks.

Before Max can answer I interrupt, "it's okay dad, I'm sure Max has plenty to be doing. He's bound to have plans! Right?" I ask Max who just looks torn between me and the pizzas, clearly trying to figure out if the pizzas are worth my possible annoyance.

"Max, we insist, as long as you don't have plans," my mum says this time sending me a warning look to shut my mouth which I do as I see a smirk come over Max's as he just nods.

"As long as no one tells Bradley!" He says cheekily and my brothers, Tyler and Joe, just whoop with approval and excitement at the opportunity to share their pizzas with the current world champion to both their girlfriends' and my parents' amusement.

"Just tell me you got my spicy pepperoni?" I grumble to my dad and he just nods, handing me the top box, amusement clear on his face. I take it back to my spot on the bed while Max goes to his and the whole group disperse around the room, loud chatter as they both want to hear our perspectives on the race which we both quite happily talk them through between jokes and laughter until all the pizza is gone and there are just a few chips left which both my brothers are fighting over.

"Right, well we need to get the kids to the airport early because they are flying an hour before us." My dad says as he gets to his feet, checking his watch and I nod, going over to wrap him in a hug.

"You're not getting the same flight?" Max asks confused as my mum and dad shake their head.

"No pet, they're headed back to the UK, we're flying with the team to the next few races! " My mum explains excitedly to Max, who despite only meeting a handful of times, she has grown rather affectionate towards.

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