Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Why am I still basically posting daily? I don't know...hope you enjoy! This is about 7200 words lol so it's long!
Keep in mind the whole situation is quite bad from the framed shot as I see Lewis also looks rather angry with George as well. I break my eyes away from the frozen frame of the TV to look at Nick for an explanation.

"They were doing the regular cooldown reviewing of moments from the race...they got to where George cut you off at the restart, Max got mad and yeah..." he says and my eyes go wide.

"Oh fuck shit dick," I say as I pick up the remote to rewind.

Lewis and Max are sitting on the seats while George is off to the side so the focus of the camera is on Max and Lewis as they rewatch the race, it starts with their battling with each other and George as they exchange slight comments about close moments before it moves on to my overtakes through the field.

"Damn, she really just found something that worked and stuck to it, no one could do anything about it," Lewis said chuckling as they watched my overtake on Carlos, a repeat of the ones before.

"Yeah, she's something else," Max says proudly and I smile at his words as I watch them back, looking at the way his chest puffs out. They show the double pitstop for Mercedes and then the more spread-out one of Red Bull before cutting to the restart. I can see Max's momentary confusion as the shot isn't of his and Lewis' battle at the first corner but mine and George's. I wince when I see the moment I had to snap the wheel and slam on the brakes so I didn't go into a wall and notice how Max's fists clench immediately. "What the fuck was that mate?" He barks, his head snapping to George who seems surprised with his reaction, although we're only shown his side profile.

"I defended," he says simply, turning his attention back to the screen where they are replaying it.

"That's not defending that's slamming the door shut on someone, almost forcing them into a wall!" Max exclaims angrily standing up and I see Lewis murmur in agreement although he is still just watching replays, wincing every time I just manage to keep myself out the wall while Max's attention is now on George. I'm grateful for this though because it means that Max misses the second time it happens as well as the third and fourth.

"I don't know what you mean, it was wet, I slid a bit further off the line than I had meant to when defending, but that's all it was mate." You can just about hear George say this, his eyes firmly on the Dutchman who is standing angrily and I cringe slightly as I see Max take another look at the screen to see another instance of George's 'aggressive defending'.

"You motherfu-" the sound gets cut off although the image shows clearly that Max is cursing out George as he walks over to him and I'm thankful for Lewis's lightening quick reactions as he gets in the middle of them just before the shot is cut away to the rather surprised and nervous faces of the Sky Sports presenters.

I pause it once again, bringing my hand and the remote to my head in stress as I think quickly. "Alright, give me two minutes and I'll be dressed. Ask Christian what he wants from me," I tell Nick and he nods, his phone already out of his pocket as he walks out of the room. I quickly drop the towel from around me as I rummage through one of my drawers and pull out joggers and a jumper and a sports bra, chucking them all on before slipping into my airforces and opening the door, seeing a nervous Nick and an annoyed Christian in front of me.

"This way Elodie," Christian says and I nod, last minute grabbing my cap out of the room before following behind him out the hospitality and into the rain. The wet doesn't bother me as my hair still isn't dry from my shower and I'm partially blinded by some of the photographers with their cameras, I pull my cap over my eyes, keeping my head down as our feet splash in the puddles being created by the rain that won't stop falling.

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