Chapter XII

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Author Pov

San was sitting down next to Y/n on his bed, patiently waiting for her to wake up. He looks at the clock on his bed side table 1 a.m...
He sighs, he stands up and opens his bedroom door, making his way downstairs to the others.
They were still awake too, just waiting for a sign that she's alive. San sat down next to Wooyoung on the sofa „how is she doing?"
Seonghwa spoke up, earning a sigh from San.
„I don't know if she's going to wake up soon, she's breathing at's been five hours.."

„She's going to wake about we'll go to the city in the meantime to get our mind off of things, there won't be a lot going on but still we can go out, once we're back she'll be awake" Hongjoong suggested. The guys agreed and stood up, including San.
„Let's lock everything before we go out, I don't want to come back and see Y/n gone.." San told the guys, they all locked every window and door in the house and made their way out.

2:30 a.m

Y/n woke up with a loud gasp, hand on her chest, panicked. She quickly put her hand onto her neck as she remembered it hat happened, feeling nothing she stood up and made her way to a mirror. As she looked at herself in the mirror she still saw Jongho's bite mark, that he left on her once he was done drinking her blood. She made her way out of the room, walking downstairs and into the livingroom.
„Guys? anyone home !?" She yelled but got no response...

She searched the whole house for them only to realize that she has been left alone. Y/n walked into the kitchen and got herself something to drink, as she poured the water into her glass the doorbell rang. Not thinking much of it she walked to it with her glass and unlocked it.
„You guys really left me alone-„ She locked eyes with him.

„I didn't expect you to open the door, but it's better this way." Jongho said with a little smile, a sweet one. He made his way inside the house and closed the door. „Why are you here? need to leave" Y/n told him, only to be ignored. He walked past her and upstairs, leaving Y/n downstairs. After a few minutes he came back with a bag. „put your shoes on, we're leaving." Jongho said and put the bag down, looking at a confused Y/n. „What?" He asked her, he took a few steps towards her, expecting her to step back like last time but she didn't. She stood still, looking at him.

Did it work?..he thought to himself and then put both his hands on her shoulders.
„Put your shoes on Princess" He looked deep into her eyes as he said that, Y/n shook her head ‚no', he raised his eyebrow and picked her up in bridal style, then also picking up the bag.
„Jongho let me down! Now!" Y/n tried to get out of his grip, failing. „I'll let you down if you come with me and forget about the other won't be stuck inside if you live with me, I promise."

Y/n nod, planning to run away into the forest once he put her down and that's what she did. She opened the door and ran, ran as fast as she could, trying to get away from him.
She forgot how big the forest was..
„Where do I need to go?.." she mumbled as she came to a halt. Y/n looked around, it's dark and cold, her feet hurt from running and she's exhausted. „Y/n! Come back! Please!" There was it, Jongho's voice. She started to run again, no place that she wanted to be at, she only wanted to be from him.

It didn't take long until Jongho caught up to her, grabbing her arm and making her face him. Y/n was now facing a very mad looking guy Infront of her.."y/n, I'm telling you one last time. Come with me, please." He growled at her, still holding onto her arm, Y/n looked at him and then at his hand holding her arm, he let go and looked at her. „I won't come with you." She told him like a command. He nod his head and grabbed her by her arm.

„You're coming with me Y/n" He started walking while dragging her with him, she struggled trying to get out of his grip, soon giving up as she realized that it was no use.
They've made it to a street lightened up by the street lights and a car. Jongho held onto Y/n's hand tightly and walked towards the car, inside was a couple. „Y/n stay over there" She did what he said, scared that he might hurt her or do worse..

Jongho went to the car and knocked on the car window. The guy in the car rolled the window down and they started talking, soon Jongho stepped aside and the guy stepped out the car with rage, he was mad about something Jongho might've said..
y/n watched them in confusion, without thinking she started to walk towards them.
„Listen big boy, you better leave me and my girlfriend alone or you'll be dead!" the guy yelled at Jongho, Y/n was about to interrupt the fight they had, when Jongho attacked the guy and bit into his neck.

Y/n' eyes widen, stumbling a few steps back.
The guys girlfriend tried to start the car under panic, with no success since Jongho aggressively puller her out of the car and bit into her neck too. Once he was done with both of them he tossed them to the ground, sighing in relieve. He turned to look at a shocked girl looking at him, Y/n. „W-why did you kill
them?...they didn't do anything wrong-„
He grabbed her hand and led her to the other side of the car, opening the door and pushing her gently into the car. He got inside the car on the other side and started it, driving away from the dead body's and ignoring Y/n's Questions.

Jongho Pov.

I feel relieved now that I fed on those two people, I felt Incredibly hungry and had to do something plus we needed the car. I heard Y/n asking questions but I wasn't in the right mindset to answer them. She continued to talk with no end, I pulled over and stopped the car, now looking at Y/n.

Jongho you can't keep on killing innocent people..I know you need it for your satisfaction and all that but it's not quite right to do so, also why'd you stop the ca-„

I quickly shut her up by kissing her. I missed the feeling of her lips connected to mine.
I pulled away and looked at Y/n, she was quiet now, her face red. She blinked a few times and then looked out of the window. I chuckled and started the car again, driving to my house.

She needs to be away from Seonghwa, Wooyoung and especially San for a while..
She needs to be with me, she's safe with me...and she makes me happy...

„I'll keep you save forever Darling"

I promise, I will make you forget about them. I will make you mine and only mine..
-Choi Jongho

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