Chapter II

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„I have no clue...I just hope she's alright".
After walking for another hour, the two girls saw a dimm light in the distance. „Maybe that's Julie?..what if she took a wrong turn?" Y/n asked Hyejin, Hyejin wasn't so sure about Julie taking a wrong turn..Julie would know the way out. They continue walking to the light, it got brighter but stayed at its place, strange..they thought but continued to walk.
As they arrived at the light, it blinded them, they walked around it trying to see where it actually was coming from but what they saw disturbed them...
It was to a tree, her flashlight next to her. „That..this can't be true, they can't be dead Hyejin- This- I told you guys we shouldn't have went here" Hyejin agreed with Y/n and sighed. Hyejin wasn't as disturbed as Y/n, she was too shocked to say or do anything.  „It''s the same bite mark that Alex had, that monster isn't done chasing us..." Y/n said as she grabbed onto Hyejin's hand tightly. Crack.
The two girls immediately started running, into the direction the thought they came from, but the forest seemed to never end. They were too deep in it..there was no way out..
Or was there?
After running more and more it started to pour, both of them soaked in rain water, still running for thier lives. Not looking back once as the cracks keep getting closer and closer.
This is it, we're going to die... Y/n thought, Hyejin kept dragging her, making her run even further, further away from the monster.
After running a little more They saw an abandoned house in the distance, they ran to it, trying to open the locked gate that was Infront of it. „Here, take this stone" Hyejin handed Y/n a stone, Y/n started to bang the stone against the lock trying to break it. The monster started getting closer and closer, both girls scared for their lives. Hyejin looked out for the monster, she could barely see anything through the rain and her wet hair hanging in her face. She suddenly heard something fall and looked towards Y/n, Y/n opened the gate, they ran inside the garden, closed the gate as best as they could and ran towards the Door of the house. „Why is it locked!? Why the hell is an abandoned house locked!?" Hyejin and Y/n said in unison, trying to open the door, with a few more bangs it busted open and they both fell in. Immediately standing up, Y/n closed the door and locked it again.

The girls were relieved when they finally got to rest. „Wait...Hyejin" Hyejin looked up at Y/n. „Yeah?"  „I don't think this place is's super clean and everywhere is the light turned on.." Hyejin stood up and looked around, Y/n was right. „which idiot would live in the middle of this forest?" Hyejin looked again at Y/n, seeing a wide eyed expression Infront of her.
„I would not want to assume that you mean us." A male voice said which made Hyejin turn around. „Who Are you?..." Y/n asked and stepped Infront of Hyejin, making eye contact with a black/white haired male. The male chuckled „we should be the ones asking question, who are you?" Y/n gulped, waiting for Hyejin to answer but this time Hyejin couldn't get a word out. She was scared, it was clear as soon as she grabbed Y/n hand and held it tight. „My name is Y/n...and this is my friend Hyejin" The male nod „how about we go to the living room and talk there?Hmh?" He raised an eyebrows, starting to walk towards the living room. The two girls followed after him, sitting down on one of the sofas when he gave them permission to sit down.

The three of them were now sitting in the living room, the male kept staring at them but specifically never took his eyes off Y/n.
Finally he spoke up, breaking the silence.
„My name is Kim Hongjoong. May I know how you two got here?"
Y/n pov.
So Hongjoong is his name...
But why does he not look away once, is he even blinking? I decided to ignore it and answered his question. Telling him why we went here, what happened and why we're in his house now but I didn't tell him about our two friend dying...maybe he was the one killed them and we were his next victims.He just nod and listened.
you're telling me you've been chased around the forest, got lost, got chased again and then ended up here?" Hongjoong raised an eyebrow, looking straight into my eyes. „Yes, that's just what I told you. It would be great if we could just stay the night...we'll leave tomorrow when it's lighter outside again. I promise" I can't believe I'm begging a stranger to stay over night, in a forest.. the male stood up. Hyejin and me followed him with our eyes. Hongjoong turned around and looked at me, again.
„You can stay but she.." He pointed to Hyejin, and looked at her a little more with anger.."she can't stay here." Hongjoong said and turned around to leave the living room. I told Hyejin to wait where she is right now and followed after him. „what do you mean she can't stay here? Please, we both need a place to stay at tonight.. if she goes out there she'll eventually die and I don't want that.." I kept talking, while following him throught the front hall and to the kitchen. Hongjoong finally stopped and turned around, leaning against the kitchen counter. He looked at me up and down.
„Listen, either both of you go out there and get yourself killed or you, darling stay here and let your friend leave hmh?" I was not having it.
Hell, I wasn't leaving Hyejin alone. „Fine, then we'll both leave." I walked out of the kitchen, back to Hyejin, grabbed her arm and started walking to the front door. Right before we exited the house, the front door opened revealing two guys standing outside, blood all over thier face, hands and clothes...

Mine and Hyejin's eyes widen as we took a few steps back. „San Look, it's the two girls left. How great" The black haired male said to the blond next to him, both smirked as they took closer steps to us... I bumped into someone behind be, as I stepped away and turned around I saw Hongjoong looking at me. He took a quick glance to the two Infront of me, the blond snatching Hyejin away from us, going somewhere with her... what is happening here? „where is he taking her? What- HYEJIN!" I tried running after them but Hongjoong held me back by arms, god he was strong. „Let me go you crazy bastard- I WANT HYEJIN BACK!" I tried to get out of his grip, kicking around and wiggling my arms but it just wouldn't work. He turned me around so I could face him, that smirk on his face..
„She's gonna be alright Darling, just listen to us and she'll be fine. We'll even bring her home"
„Home? You don't even know where she lives- please just let her go! She didn't do anything!!" Hongjoong chuckled. „You saw San and wooyoung walk into the door, full of blood and you're still worried about her and not yourself?" I looked behind Hongjoong and saw the black haired guy, who's apparently named Wooyoung smirk and wave at me. „Am I going to die?" I was terrified...I didn't want to die yet, I want Hyejin back and that we go back home.. „you're not going to die, darling. I'll make sure of that. You're not going home either." what?...

„You're more safe with us. Believe me."

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