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Rydel pulled back from the kiss once she had become out of breath. She looked at his pale face that hadn't moved in the slightest. She stared at him for a moment as if she was hoping for some sort of miracle and he would jump up and be awake and okay.

nothing happened.

Rydel felt utterly stupid. "Can't believe i thought it would work" she groaned, tears reappearing in her eyes for what felt like the billionth time in that day alone. She took one last look at him before spinning around and kicking the wall hard and repeatedly. Tears slipped down her cheek in pain but she continued kicking the wall harder and harder, her toes throbbing.

"what did the wall do to deserve that?" a voice mumbled quietly but clearly. Rydel froze in shock, thinking she was hearing things. She slowly spun around.

Ellington lay, his hazel eyes open and a cheeky smile on his face. His hair, within a matter of minutes, had gotten even messier.

"so do i get a hug or what?...." he questioned, smiling.

Shocked but without hesitation, Rydel ran over to him, throwing her weight on him and wrapping her lightly tanned arms around his fragile torso. Ellington hugged back tightly, despite his delicate state. They held each other tightly for a few minutes, before Rydel pulled back.

"Ellington, how old are you?" She asked, looking into his soft hazel eyes.

"That's a silly question, you know how old i am!" He joked, laughing softly.

Rydel's facial expression didn't change. "Answer my question." She asked seriously.

His face went blank. Her heart dropped. He really didn't remember anything.

"im twenty two, twenty three in about seven months" he said, confidently.

A large smile spread across her face, "that's right."

He smiled proudly and pulled her face towards his. she could feel his warm breath on her face but instead of kissing her, he reached around his neck and unclipped the green and pink heart necklace.

He slipped it from around his neck and clipped it loosely around hers, flicking her hair over the top of it. "always wear this and i will always be with you. this necklace is special to me." he paused, looking into her eyes "and so are you."

They stared into each others eyes for a few minutes before Rydel looked away. "d-do you remember before the first accident? the reason you were mad and didn't want to go out with me anymore?" she muttered, tears starting to prick in her eyes.

Ellington thought for a moment before nodding. "yeah because i saw you dancing closely to another man! i thought you were cheating on me!" he protested, his voice raising slightly proving he was still mad.

"He was my cousin!" Rydel snapped back, looking at him in the eyes. Immediately his mouth went dry and he looked away, facing the pale wall instead. "you could have told me." he muttered through gritted teeth.

Suddenly, none of that mattered to Rydel anymore. She had nearly lost him twice and she was determined not to lose him again.

She slipped her hand under his chin and turned his face to look at hers. "I don't care about that anymore. I love you with all my heart, no one else, just you. your the one i wanna be with!" she exclaimed biting her lip softly and waiting for him to say something.

He didn't say anything, instead her pulled her close and kissed her. a kiss that said "i forgive you" and "i love you with all of my heart."

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