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Short chapter sorry, nevertheless enjoy :)
Rydel stood behind her keyboard in the messy garage that they used for band practising. Her over sized jumper covering her hands as she snuggled into it. Tears and sleep ringed her eyes because despite being incredibly tired, all she could think about was the love of her life leaving her life. She hadnt gotten a wink of sleep all night. All she could think about was Ellington. A big yawn slipped out of her mouth as they finished the practising the song.

"Alright guys, take five" Riker said, unplugging his bass from the amplifier and turning the volume off. He set it down on its stand and went to talk to the replacement drummer they had found. Ross followed after putting his guitar down.

Rocky walked over to Rydel. Rydel sat, sipping water and trying to stay awake. She looked up at Rocky from behind her keyboard. "Can I help you?" She asked softly, yawning again.

"Rydel you look so tired! go have a lie down and get some sleep!" Rocky exclaimed.

"Rocky I'd love to but Riker will kill me! I can't anyway! I literally can't sleep! I miss him too much!" Rydel yelled at him tears starting to fall again.

Rocky didn't say anything. Instead he pulled her into a hug, allowing her to sob into his shirt which she did. They stood like that for about two minutes before pulling back.

Rocky grabbed her hands, walking over to the couch. She lay down, her head sinking into her pillow. he covered her with a blanket. "Don't worry about Riker, just try to sleep" Rocky whispered but Rydel was already snoring softly.

Less than thirty minutes later, Rydel woke up again. She pulled her phone out of her pocket and accepted the call she was receiving.

"Hello?" She mumbled tiredly into the phone.

"Hello are you the parent/guardian of Ellington Lee Ratliff?" The voice clearly said in the other end.

"Well actually not anymore- I mean yes, yes I am" She said quickly. "Why exactly? Is there something wrong?"

"Ellington has had an accident. He fell down the stairs outside a special children's hospital. He was already in a very weak condition and now he's in intensive care with a vast chance of slipping into a coma."
Rydel dropped her phone in shock. The sadness feeling rose to her throat again as she realised that Ellington had tried to follow her and that's when he had fallen.

Without giving it a second thought, she grabbed her shoes and keys, jumped into her car and drove to the hospital as fast as she could.

could things get any worse?

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