"Oh, right, I almost forgot! Well, he asked who I like and I said Heeseung. And after that he said something about winning?" She said as she furrowed her eyebrows.

"Oh." Sunghoon looked away, not being able to look her in the eyes.

"Hoon? What is it? Tell me!" He bit his lips and finally looked into Hana's eyes.

"I'm sorry that I didn't tell you earlier, but I don't think that it was the right time. Uh, well, I don't know how to say this." He stuttered every word.

"Okay, I'll just say it, Heeseung and Jay had a dare. Whoever would get to date you first, would win money. But, Hana, I swear to god these boys have fallen in love with you, they talk about you non stop." Hana looked at him and the boy closed his eyes, being afraid of her reaction.

She felt the tears again, but manages to not cry as she wiped her eyes.

"It's okay." She smiled at him.

"Wait, what?"

"I'm not mad. Not at you or the other two. It's just what highschool boys do, I guess. But I'll get going now, I don't want to face Heeseung right now."

"Hana, everything's going to be okay." Sunghoon hugged her and felt sorry that he didn't tell her right away.

"I swear, it's okay Hoon, I'm not hurt. I need to move on and focus on school anyway."

He didn't believe her a single word, but still let her leave, being afraid that she would do something stupid.

Both stayed almost the whole night awake, Hana cried into his neck the whole time.

She wouldn't say that she loves him, but she sure started to gain some string feelings for him. He was gentle with her, and it's hard to believe that he's just a lying piece of shit.

Sunghoon also cried, he kind of liked her. It was sad to see her cry because another guy hurt her, and he swore to himself to have a serious talk with Heeseung.

How could you hurt a precious girl like her?


Hana walked home for about good 15 minutes, she was still tired, but she wanted to be home before the boys were awake.

It was currently 6am, so it was still quite dark outside.

She took her keys and opened the door, just to see someone stumbling around her house, being drunk this early.


"Honey! Your home!" Her dad ran to her, almost falling down and started hugging her.

The disgusting smell of alcohol hit her nose and she pushed him away out of reflex.

She saw her mother come downstairs, looking really angry.

"Where have you been?"

"Oh mom, I'm sorry, I was at some friends hou-"

"Not you! I mean your dad! He was gone the whole night and he's here not even since 10 minutes and the whole place smells like alcohol." She shouted.

Hana was shocked, her dad was always the nice guy. He helped Hana and he also used to help Sunoo, mostly it was their maths homework.

"Mom, are you sure? Dad would never."

"Yes I am, now go to your room."

Hana behaved, because her mother never looked so angry before. She was afraid, she always believed that her dad was the sweetest guy on earth.

She heard shouting from downstairs, and she was afraid.

Suddenly, something crashed, it sounded like glass.

The girl never had been in a situation like that, out of panic she hid in her closet. She never saw her dad being drunk, so she doesn't know what he would do.

Yeah, she could've called the police, but she wouldn't do that to her own dad. She doesn't know what's going on, and her mother is a strong woman. She will get through this, and if something goes wrong, Hana would help her beloved mother.

She heard one last crash and then there was silence.

She over-panicked, thinking these are her last breaths, alltough they aren't.

She took her phone from her pocket and called Heeseung, her hands being shaky like never before.

"This kid is probably sleeping." She whispers to herself, trying to calm her down.

She went onto Heeseung's and her iMessage chat. He was online 3 minutes ago.

She doesn't know what to do, so she starts doing a voice message from him.

"Heeseung, I'm so sorry. I should've believed you. I need help, Heeseung, and I feel like you're the only person I can talk to. My parents had a huge fight. I'm afraid, Heeseung. I'm so afraid." She chuckles, trying to sound okay.

"I know you will probably ignore this, but I don't know what will happen to me. This is the first time my dad is this drunk, can you believe he would get this drunk at 6am?" She tries to make jokes, so it sounds less dramatic.

"I'm in love with you, Heeseung." She paused.

"I don't know if I can call it love, but I definitely have a crush on you.
Your stupid smile really did it to me, Heeseung. You were the only thing on my mind. I stayed up at night with you on my mind, making those stupid fake scenarios with you. I woke up, and the first thing on my mind was you. It was always you. I don't love Jay anymore. I'm sorry, Heeseung. I know it's too late. Sunghoon told me about the dare. Why would you do that? Am I just a toy to you, Heeseung?" She giggled, but soon those giggles turned into sobs.

"Heeseung, I thought you loved me. I know it was just a short period of time, but you know, maybe love on the first sight exists? God, I hate how much I like you." She sighed.

"Wether that picture was fake or real, I still believe you, Heeseung. And even if you don't like me, I'll still be by your side. I will always be here for you. I know I'm being dramatic right now, but I really don't know what to do right now. I'll say goodbye now, and don't worry. I'll leave you alone, Heeseung. I don't want to be a burden to you. If you still need advice for anything, I'll hopefully be there." She paused again, she heard something crashing onto the floor again, and some loud crying.

"Did you hear that? I'll go now. I hope you feel the same way. If not, it's fine. I hope you will have a great time with the boys. Bye." She sent him the voice message.

She tip toed out of the closet, but suddenly, her vision blurred.

Everything went pitch-black.

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