It's been a while since I've been this intimate with someone. With everything that's happened, a fear has been present inside of me. I'm scared of losing someone again. The kind of pain I went through– the kind I'm still going through– was beyond imaginable, and to think of a possibility of feeling that way again. It would be like setting myself up for a dagger to the heart.

As the night went on, a push and pull happened between Charles and I. It felt like a game to see which of us would break first, pushing each other to the edge before pulling when we were seconds away from falling apart. Eventually, I surrendered and he smiled cheekily at me before giving me the pleasure we both wanted.

"Oh my god." I moaned as he angled his hips to hit that one specific spot, my fingernails digging into his shoulders.

Charles hissed and I was planning to move my hands to his hair instead when he said, "Keep doing that." I smirked in return as his lips went down to my chest, the sound of our bodies making contact filling the hotel room. "Fuck, Nadia."

As my fingernails continued to make crescent shaped indentations on his skin, one of my hands moved to the back of his neck, fingers running through his hair. I tightened my hold a little bit to catch his attention and Charles moved from his place on my chest, lips crashing against mine.

The warmth in my lower abdomen started getting stronger as he lightly pulled away, lips brushing against mine at the same pace his hips moved forward. His left hand hitched my leg around his hip, making him slide deeper into me and I couldn't help but arch my back, eyes closing as a new wave of pleasure rushed through my veins.

"Charles, I'm close." I breathed out when his forehead met mine, breaths mingling as he pressed a small kiss by the corner of my mouth. My words only encouraged him even more as he fastened the movements of his hips, making me cry out his name once again before my hips trembled.

"That's it." He said, eyes watching me as I came and he continued to thrust his hips forward during my high, following me into bliss only a few seconds after.

"Fucking hell." I said when he dropped to the space beside me on the bed, both of our chests going up and down, sweat lightly covering our skin.

"My sentiments exactly." He chuckled and I let out a small laugh myself. Charles propped himself up on his elbow, body moving to face me as his other hand traced a path from my stomach up to the middle of my chest. "Fancy another go?"

I smirked at him, pulling his lips down to mine. His hand moved to my hip, squeezing it as I lightly bit his lower lip. He was about to move over me once again when I placed a hand on his chest, pushing him to lie on his back and straddling his hips. "This time, I'm on top."


February 15, 2025 - Monaco

I woke up the next day feeling like I've had the longest sleep in days. Sunlight was peeking through the small gap found between the curtains and I rubbed my eyes to get rid of the sleepiness. I turned around and was met with an empty space on my bed, only a dip on the mattress to symbolize that last night really happened. I sat up, pulling the white sheet against my bare chest and looked around the room.

My clothes were still scattered along the floor but any trace of Charles was gone. I couldn't help but sigh in relief as I dropped back down on the mattress again, thankful that I wouldn't have to go through the awkwardness that came the morning after one night stands. There are just some guys who don't get the idea that the reason for having a one off was that it was only supposed to happen once. There are no exchange of numbers nor invites to go out for breakfast. It's just one night.

I scheduled to meet my landlord today and when I checked my phone, I saw I still had two hours before the agreed meeting time. As I stood up, I couldn't help but hiss in pain at the soreness my entire body felt, memories from last night coming to the surface.

Fuck, we were at it until three in the morning.

As I waited for the bath to fill up with warm water, my eyes zoomed in on the dark marks on my skin. At least he remembered, I thought to myself. Whatever outfit I wore, the hickeys wouldn't be seen unless I put on something that showed more skin than the amount of fabric I'd be using.

I spent around half an hour in the tub before getting out and putting on one of the robes that came with the bathroom. I was drying my hair with another towel when I knock came from my door and I checked the peephole to see Gabby standing outside.

She was already dressed but her face was still free from makeup. Gabby didn't utter a greeting when I opened the door, simply raising an eyebrow at me before looking me over. It was when she let out a small gasp that I looked at her with a confused face. "Oh my god. You slept with someone!"

My eyes widened and I quickly pulled her inside of the room, shutting the door behind me. "Will you please shut up?" I grumbled, walking past her and taking out some clothes for the day.

"Holy shit. Who was it?" She asked, following behind me. I picked out some blue denim jeans, a white knit top and sweater that had some red and blue lining by the collar and wrists.

I shrugged as I changed, not bothered by Gabby's presence in the room as she pulled out her makeup kit and stood by the vanity mirror

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I shrugged as I changed, not bothered by Gabby's presence in the room as she pulled out her makeup kit and stood by the vanity mirror. "All I know is that his name is Charles."

Gabby frowned at me, turning around with her mascara open, wand about to apply the tint on her lashes. "That's a very common name. How are you going to find him?"

"I won't."


"What?" I asked her when I finished getting dressed. I wasn't in the mood to put some makeup on my face so I just settled with applying my skincare.

"I don't know if I should be proud that you finally got laid after months of being too busy for guys or disappointed that I wouldn't see what this guy looks like."

I couldn't help but laugh at her expression. "He was very good looking. Could even pass off as a celebrity, if I'm being honest."

"I take it the sex was good as well?" She teased and I rolled my eyes at her as she smirked at me.

"Yes, Gabby, that too."


That's the most I can do for now when it comes to mature content 😂 I don't even know if that's considered as matured content.


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