Open Your Eyes

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And the man must be at least in his forties ? He's not really sure, but he's clearly older than Chan. He must have been an adult when he kidnapped Chan, so he's at least sixteen years older than him.

But at least it makes sense. Chan's behavior in the chatroom had been too weird. And since he swapped with Minho, it's easier to calm his worried heart. Minho hadn't been Minho back then, but Chan, freaked out to be in someone else's home and body, and scared of the outside world.

He goes back when he's fifteen and frowns when he locks eyes with the word, killmate.

Uh ?



It makes so much sense now.

No wonder Chan did that to Minho's arm. It must be shocking to find his arm back with new names on it and his own.

He wonders if Chan is starting to understand whatever the bastard told him, didn't make sense. Because clearly, he'll know if his own self will kill someone, right ?

At least the others are there to help him. It's enough to relax him.

For now, he needs to find the phone.

His stomach gurgles.

Well, guess not, he's going to eat instead.

He walks to the fridge, ignores the annoying noise of the shackle and the chains and opens the door. There's three plates prepared and Seungmin is really surprised about it.

The boyfriend takes his time making Chan food. It's weird knowing the guy kidnapped Chan young, yet he seems to really care about him.

Maybe he has an obsession over Chan ? Or he actually loves him ?

He makes a mental note to add it in Minho's note.

Now that he thinks about it, Felix is next after him and his back gets covered with cold sweat as he curses.

Felix is a kind soul, too caring and gentle and he's worried something horrible will happen at his turn. He'll need to tell him to not make any trouble because when Felix gets upset, they really are upset and wouldn't mind screaming it and making everyone know.

He'll have to add it later.

For now, he warms the plate and mindlessly looks through every drawer to find no silver cutlery. They're all in plastic.

He takes a bite of the food and he hums at the taste. It's good but it doesn't surpass Minho's chef skill.

When he finishes eating, he washes the plate and cleans the table, because he's sure Chan is someone clean.

He goes near the TV and takes the remote control. He turns it on and finds all of the channels are not working. All except a few one, all kids' shows and animes or the one passing only songs.

He can repair that, do an automatic search to find every channel the TV can take but he feels like the boyfriend will not like it.

Instead he turns it off and starts looking for the phone.

He really hopes to find it quick.


Hyunjin feels frustrated.

Seungmin— Chan isn't really cooperative.

He's still freaking out, still babbling words they can't understand. He's scratching the skin of Seungmin's arm roughly enough to make long angry red lines. They manage to stop him a few times, but then he can't help himself, shaking and avoiding their eyes.

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