⚠️important info⚠️

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I should mentioned that my love has suffered from trauma as a child that has caused him to have several alters
Which in turn means he has different self's(alters)
They are several personalities in one body caused by trauma
I give this information for the simple fact that
A few or many of these messages I will post may sound...... a bit differnt
I am dating the whole system(sytem meaning all the personalities the mind has created for the body to be able to function due to trauma caused as a child)
Except for one of them who has no interest in anything whatsoever XD
He is kinda nihilistic and just existing I guess
But I love him all the same :  )

Anyywaaays..... if you have no idea what on earth I'm talking about
Feel free to look up DID/OSDD
You will be give a quick info
My bf has OSDD1

My bf(the host) is obsessive but he is more on the idiolizing type of obsession
(btw I forgot to mention! He is the one I strted talking to the most and is the host of the body and almost always in control
Second person would be the possessive/Dom male alter that takes control when needed)
He is submissive type and very soft boi (the host)
Even tho I'm not a domfemale
I still try for him
But I'm much gentle thn anything!
But he can be very possessive if he is a bit out of control and a bit unstable at times
He is a sweet little butter cake and loves me and I have accepted him/them completely!!!

There is another personality that is very very possessive and dominant (mentioned at top)
We will call him P~
P~is much more mature when speaking and the way he writes is somewhat different from the host(soft,subby bf)

There is a total of about 10 alters
I'm in a relationship with all expect the one I mentioned before
Main two that I will be posting about are the ones that are most obsessd
Are the ones that I'm able to talk to more most of the time
(Altho ~P has been a bit less taking control
I am sadden by this but I am able to interact with other alters and get a chance to know them better and they me)
The others love me very much but are still not at the stage of obsession
Although.... some seem to be heading that way

Many of the messages I will be posting will not all be in order
So I might write the date somewhere around there if I can
That will be all and I hope you all find them enjoyable  :   )

I guess you could call him a yandere
But it's maybe kinda cringy ?
Either way obsession/love both play a huge role in our relationship

⚠️⚠️ with all of this and lastly⚠️⚠️

DID/OSDD is not to be glamourised or be used on social medial for the sole purpose of attention seeking likes/views !!

People who suffer from these mental illnesses have been through hell as children
That has caused them to develop different personalities(alters)
It is not a game or something fun
These people go through axiety/panic attacks and many other issues both physical and mental
My love suffers from daily headaches some worse thn others
He gets tired rather easy and needs a lot more rest thn normal people would
(mong other issues and problems)

The others can't always take his place due to controlling who fronts is not possible for him/them
People who go through this are very strong people
But most of them won't go on social media and flaunt their illness
The purpose of having alters is for other outside in the rl not to notice there is something actually wrong
But for the victim of trauma to use as a mask to be able to function in society in a way(make people think they can function "normally" in society)
That is probably one of the main reasons there is not much people opening up about it on YT
These people with alters do doubt that they even have alters in the first place and always think they are only making it up
These people go through so much and the way DID/OSDD has been used for younger people on social media to use for their own gain
Is wrong!  disrespectful, uncaring to the ones that actually have these types of mentally illnesses

I encourage all of you who read this to please read on the subject and be informed DID/OSDD

These people are not monsters and suffer from abandonment/abuse/neglect an array of many different childhood traumas
They deserve love/understanding/care/kindness ❤️

Thank you for reading

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