I thought they are idiots

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(Tatsumi in her middle school uniform)

Tatsumi POV

The time. we went to the classroom. I look around. Tetsu-chan said " I seat at the back row near the window. Kamagi-kun seated of front of me" I went to the desk near the window at the back row. Then kagami taiga seat on front of me. He put his elbow at the chair and look at me

"Kuroko don't be late at the practice, coach will kill us if we're late" he told me. I nodded then the teacher came in and start checking attendance when it finish he start the lesson. I put my elbow on the desk the I put my cheek on my hand. I look at the window. A minute past, I hear snoring I look at it. There the teacher standing at kamagi desk. He hand raise and grab the teacher head(half bold). I bite my lip for not laughing

"Kamagi taiga went to my office after school"the teacher said angrily then the bell rang. Kagami groaned

"Coach going to kill me" kagami shout.

*time skip*

We went to the canteen. I meet koki furihata, koichi kawahara and hiroshi fukuda there the other first year. I sae a crowd pushing each other. Kagami left his sleeve up in his elbow

"Yosh! Yet get some food" kamagi shout

"Yosh!!" The three shout raise thier fist in the air. They start going to the crowd then the start to fly. Then tetsu-chan said " Just flow in the crowd they will push you to the front when your on the front you got the bread and paid for it." Anyway what is special about the food in here. So I did what tetsu-chan told me. When I get the two bread and start walking where I'm standing the beinging. I watch the four still doing there best to go in the crowd.

"This is Japanese lunch time rush!" He said in English. Good thing I understand. [The three sweatdrop ' this again' they thought] What special about Iberian pork bread. I open the rapper and take a bite on the bread

[ "I wish tatsumi-chan will like the bread" tetsuya muttered getting of the train station]

*time skip*

[They are hangout on the rooftop the four already get their bread. Tetsumi have a deadpan face like his brother but inside she turn into stone and muttered inside her head ' so delicious ' shouting in her own world]

Then the bell rang. I stamp of my world we start heading to the classroom

*time skip*

We already going to the gym. Kamagi still muttering ' coach will kill me' when he open the door their a big fan heading toward kagami head. I look over who hit kagami. There standing a girl wearing a school uniform. Tetsu-chan said " our coach name riko aida. She is a 3 year student. She holding a giant fan to hit us expect for me. She easily get angry so don't make her mad" I sigh inside

"Your late" aida smile having a dark aura behind her kagami face turn violet and have line on it. Then someone grab aida on her shoulder. It's a boy that have glasses. " the boy that have glasses on it. His name is junpei hyuga and the captian ball. He like our coach so dont make him mad kay" i sigh again

"Bakagami why are you late" he shout. I whisper inside I like that name ' Bakagami ' I thought. Why I don't think about it. That a great name who ever give the name. I thank you. Then someone laughing I look over. It's a boy. " teppei kiyoshi is always laughing and smiling" I look at teppei side a boy with black Hair and his eyes... " shun izuki is call the eagle eyes of the team" eh so he the eagle eyes. He maybe see kuroko when on the court. Like at the side thier a boy with a cat lip then also a boy " shiniji koganae has like cat lip while he alway with rinnosuke mitobe. He don't talk he just nodded. But koganae-senpei always understand mitobe-senpei"

"Where is kuroko" junpei hyuga said. I sigh inside again. To pretent to be tetsu-chan is really hard not showing emotions

"I'm here" I said

"Ahhhh" everybody scream expect for rinnosuke mitobe. He just jump a little

"How are you been standing there" kamagi said his right hand on his left chest

"I'm been standing here from the beginning" I said

"Just don't do that again" he said. I nodded I wish they dead already

"Okay go to the locker and change" riko aida said the team just muttered 'hai' they start walking to the locker. Kagami look at me

"Kuroko lets go change" he said. Hell no I'm not going to change with them. Riko aida look at me

"Go ahead kagami-kun. I change later if you guys finish changing" I said kagami raise his eyebrow

"O.. kay" he said in unsure and start heading to the locker room

"Kuroko what wrong" riko aida ask I look at him. Think tatsumi think

" I don't feel changing at front of them today coach" i said then they went out the locker room and start heading over to us

"Kuroko why didn't you go to the locker room with us" junpei hyuga ask. Hell I'm going to change in front of you boys.

"He said he don't feel like changing front of you guys" riko aida told them. They look at me

"Why? " the cat lip person ask.

"Because I don't feel like it" I simple answer his question. They raise there eyebrow

"There something wrong kuroko" teppei kiyoshi ask. They asking so much question

"Nothing wrong kiyoshi-senpei" I said they stare at me. I back a little maybe tetsu-chan make an excuse tomorrow for running out from the gym.

"Kuroko what are you hiding" kagami ask

"Nothing kagami-kun" I said I need to run now. I though they stupid. then the gym door open. We look over. There standing is the generation of miracles. Also momoi

"Kurokocchi~" kise ryouta ran over and give me a hug. We trip over and land on the floor.

Warning: if you see a [] its mean third person

Kuroko's twin sisterTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon