who is Shu-Nii-Chan???

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Tatsumi reading a book when she in middle school

Third POV

As the seirin and the GOM(with momoi of course)look confuse and shook. Confuse because why they need to go to see tgeir cousin. They can finish thier match in a minute, and shock because epially the one that tatsumi copyed.

"She had the same power as me!?" Kise said. Akashi was in deep thought 'i need to found out about tatsumi. But first i need to follow them'

"Come on!" Akashi ordered the GOM(including momoi) not the seirin. The GOM & momoi shudder. And look at akashi witha a confuse look

"We going to follow them" he said. Kagami chuckled

"i never knew that your a stalker akashi" kagami said put his hand on his mounth to stop from laughing. Akashi give a death glare and he had a aura that have 'menacing' word on it. Kagami face turn voilet. As akasi staet slapping his 'speical' scissor. Maybe no speical aah what about killing weapon. As akashi stalk kagami like a prey. Kamagi now sweating like a bullet and lightly shaking in fear

"Anyway akasi come on bbefore we lost sight of them" midorima said carefully. So he cant face an angry, sadist akashi. Akashi hiding his scissor at his pocket but still glaring at kagami

"This isnt over kagami taiga" he said with venom in his voice. he turn around and start hading at the gym door. As the GOM & momoi follow him. Kagami still shaking from fear.

"Are we going to follow them" hyuga asked with an raised eyebrow. Riko shook hee head

"I dont want to die early" riko said. The others nodded in agree. 'I want to live longer' they thought but kagami had other in mind 'akashi is going to kill me!!'


As the kuroko twin was walking on the sidewalk. The GOM and momoi didnt notice that a tatsumi and tetsuya notice them as they following them. But tatsumi just sigh also tetsuya and just ignore them And continue on walking

"Hehe~ this is the first time i will see kurokochi house~ssu" kise said in his cheerful face and in his cheerful voice

"Be quite before they hear us,idiot" aomine whisper amd hitting kise on the head. Kise had tear on his eyes of course its fake

"Hidoi~aominechi"kise said putting where aomine hit him

"Shut up before i slice thet tongue of ours"Akashi said. They quickly quite them self. As they start to follow them. When tatsumi and tetsuya finish walking and stand at front of the house. The GOm also momoi raised their eyebrow

"So that's kuroko's house" said midorima. Fixing his glasses. As they tip toe near a car that is packed near at kuroko's. There someone leaning on the gate. He is wearing a blue polo shirt that have a neck, a pant. His both hand inside his pant. His wearing a dark sunglasses

"Who is he?"momoi ask she blush a little when she the handsome man. But momoi shook her head 'No!Momoi satsuki you love tetsuya' momoi thought

"SHUN-NII-CHAN"tatsumi shout as she ran over to him and hug him. He hug tatsumi back and laugh a little. As the GOM and momoi sweatdrop at tatsumi shouting. 'She didnt care if the neighbors hear that' they thought

"Shun-kun" tetsuya said clamly. Totally ignoring tatsumi shout.

"Tatsu-chan and tetsu-kun. Its been awhile"he said giving tetsuya a manly hand.

"I hear thet voice before but where?" midorima said akashi nodded in agree.As the man notice a presence on the car. He look at it with the corner of his eyes. There people hiding there. 'I need to watch them carefully. Maybe they member of the ___________(that's a secret!)' As the man remove his sunglasses. The GOM and momoi gasped in shock. Standing there is the former captian of teiko,Shūzo nijimaru.

"Shuzo?" Akashi said looking shock and confuse..

"So shu-nii-chan how are you? Its been year when i last you shu-nii-chan" tatsumi said with a cheerful smile. Shuzo just laugh ang ruffle tetsuya and tatsumi hair. The twin pout and fix their hair.

"Yeah! Its been a year when i saw you. So how's grandma doing?" He said/ask

"She doing fine" tatsumi reply

"What about you tetsuya. I know that your team won the winter cup. So how the GOM and your team doing?" Shuzo ask tetsuya

"They doing fine. GOM and me return to normal. My team start praticing again for next week match" tetsuya said. Not showing his emotion in his face

"*cough*liar*cough*" tatsumi faje coughe. Tetsuya give tatsumi a glare

"Match?" Shuzo ask

"Yeah, kise-kun and his team asked if we have a pratice match with them again. So we agree" tetsuya explain. Shuzo just nodded

"that's good to hear tetsuya. Anyway tatsumi you still have hatred toward the GOM" he said and ask tatsumi. Tarsumi just 'hpmh' ed and cross her arm over his chest

"What do you think" she said in sarcastically tone shuzo just laugh and sweatdrop

"So where are you been anyway?" Tatsumi ask Shuzo

"You know, our family business thing. Geez its so hard" shuze sigh. Tatsumi smirk 'so he notice it also huh. Not bad' tatsumi though. Shuzo notice tatsumi's smirk on her face. He wink.

"Anyway,So what are we doing to do now"Shuzo ask.

"I dont know. Im lazy to cook" tatsumi have giving Shuzo i'm lazy look

"Because if you both didnt go somewhere- Oh that's remind me where are you both went?" Shuzo ask. Looking curious

"Tetsu-chan want to go to kyoko to get a milkshake there. While me dress up like him because he dont want to be absent. Then the GOM came, kise tickled me,making my disguise revealed and i texted tetsu-chan to came. That when the seirin and GOM with momoi. Know me. Then me and tetsu-chan got a fight and end up playing basketball but the match ended when you called me" tatsumi explain to her cousin

"Oh." Shuzo said and look at the car. The GOM also gasped when he look at there way then he said" what about you join us here"

Kuroko's twin sisterOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz