Chapter three

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Thank you to @Eli_HQ for the idea!
And I promise to do all those things, hope you all enjoy this chapter!

-Apologies for any spelling mistakes or errors :,)

-Author's Pov-
The same devilish smirk grew on the tall brunette's face as the dark red blood ran down the ladies neck...

Little did the brunette now that someone was watching him in the distance with a horrified and twisted look on their face...

*Early that day*

Wilbur was walking down the street to the grocery shop because his father told the brunette to run to the store because Wilbur decided he wasn't going to school today and slept in 'I should have gone to school...' the brunette thought.

As he arrived at the shop only to see a young blonde haired girl around his age outside the shop smoking and it looks as tho she was cat-calling males and females and to Wilbur's disgust someone went and talked to her 'Now that's just wrong...' putting his thoughts aside he walked into the store going unnoticed by the female outside.

Grabbing a trolley and pushing it to the aisles that he need to receive the things from the list he was given by his father...

-Potatoes(For Techno)
-Diet coke(For Tommy)
-Fruits and vegetables
-Frozen Pizzas
-Ice cream

Those where all the things on the list that Wilbur had to get, first he went to the fruit and vegetable aisle than to the bread aisle, than to all the other places he had to go.

Lastly he went to the candy/lollie aisle and to his surprise he saw his new friend Quackity "Quackity?" He asked and the raven haired male's head shot up and looked to the brunette's direction "Wilbur..." the two smiled.

The shorter male walked over to the taller male "How are you!" The raven haired asked "I'm good, how are you! Haven't seen you for a day..." the last part of that sentence made the raven haired blushed a bit.

"I'm good, why weren't you at school today? I was bored I had no one to talk to" Wilbur was confused "What do you mean, it's only like 10:00 am or something like that" this cause Quackity to laugh "No, Wilbur is 3:21 pm".

Turns out Wilbur had been walking around on his phone and randomly staring at the shelves and anyone that passed him just thought he was lost "W-what..." "Well I should get home, I only came in here because Tubbo wanted something and I had to get more milk" "What, don't trust your dad with the milk?" This only caused Quackity to laugh harder.

(This is just a joke! Sorry if this hurt anyone's feelings and yeah I know I'm not funny...)

They said their goodbyes and Wilbur got a call from his father 'I guess he's wondering we're I have been all day" going their separate ways the tall brunette answered the phone.

"Wilbur! I have been calling you all day!"
"Sorry dad, I think I zoned out due to how tired I am"
" need to start sleeping more often you stay up to late working on songs or studying on your school work"
"I know dad...I just want to remain at the top of my class so you won't be disappointed in me..."
"Oh Wilbur, I will never disappointed in you or your brothers...I know how hard your guys try and bring disappointed in you guys will never ever be on the table"
"Thanks dad, I'll be back soon"

Wilbur hung up and continued doing the shopping and once done he grabbed his shopping bags and placed them back in the shopping cart. Seeing as though this shop doesn't care if you take the cart so the brunette just started pushing the cart up the street.

When he saw the same girl he saw earlier that day cat-calling this other girl who looked to be in her 20's and this blonde girl from before was around about Wilbur's age. 'That just gross' the brunette thought.

Once he got sick of pushing the cart he grabbed the bags which were only two seeing as tho he didn't really get much.

He walked past the girl who soon started cat-calling him "Hey handsome~" the brunette froze in his tracks "What?" His voice sounded mad and not only made but filled with disgust, "You single?" "Ah no, and plus I'm gay" with that the brunette started walking again.

Only to have the blonde girl following him, so he took a turn into an alleyway and hid in the dark "I know your here handsome!" Her annoying voice was pissing of Wilbur who found another piece of glass.

Walking around the back of the girl who was clueless until she felt a sharp pain in her neck "What..." that was her last works before the glass cut deep into the white paper like skin.

As the brunette waited the blood run for her neck and watch the life less body fall to the floor someone else was their who seem to go unnoticed until they ran into some trash cans.

Which spooked the tall brunette, snapping his head towards the noise only to see the short raven haired male who he had only talked to earlier. "Quackity~" his voice only spooked the shorter male who had no idea why his 'friend' would do this "W-what?" Only hearing laughter come from the male...

"I-I'm calling the police!" The ravens haired voice shaking "hmm" he revived a hum in response as the shorter male was distracted the brunette snuck around wrapping one arm around the shorter's waist and the other having the glass in it which he would hold close to Quackity's neck.

"Do you really want to call the police...?" The brunette's voice was different, it was deep and demanding which caused the shorter male to become submissive to the taller's voice. As the phone slid from Quackity's hand only to find his body turning around and facing the brunette who only looked down.

Leaning close to Quackity's ear and whispering in it "Hmm, what are you going to do darling~?" The way that the brunette said darling just made Quackity whimper "N-nothing..." a chuckle was heard from above.

Snicking his arms around Quackity's waist again the raven haired couldn't hold back anymore and slowly snaked his arms around the taller's neck "Sorry love, but your coming with me..." Quackity was confused until a sharp pain was found in the shorter's waist.

Turns out that Wilbur had used a needle to make the boy who is now knocked out on the taller's chest sleep. 'All mine...'

'Mine and no one else...'

With that the brunette throw the raven haired male over his shoulder and picked up his shopping before heading back to his house where his family would be waiting for him to bring home the food.

But, how will Wilbur's family react to the truth of Wilbur?and how will Quackity's family react to him missing?...
-Hello! Hopped you enjoyed I finished writing this chapter at 9:59 pm :)

-Did you get enough sleep?
-Enough food and water?
-had a shower?
-brushed your teeth?
-Need someone to talk to? I'm here!

-Also I tried responding to @Eli_HQ but I my phone won't let me so if you guys do come up with ideas than I have seen then it's just my phone won't let me respond so I'll give you guys shoutouts in the next chapter if you do ever come up with ideas ;)

-Please have a great day or night!
-sleep tight don't let the bed bugs bit :p



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