Chapter 15 (Tessa)

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Monday morning I reluctantly get ready for class and leave with Emma.

I had such a great weekend with Hardin and I don't think I'm ready to leave this happy place I've created for Hardin and me to exist in. The truth is I'm worried he'll be a different person than I saw on Friday night and Saturday. He already admitted to me he's different around his friends and today they'll be there. But, I guess if things are going to work between us, I have to trust him. I just hope the person I got to spend the weekend with wasn't all just some wonderful dream.

Emma and I get to school and go to our classes before meeting up for lunch in the campus cafe.

"Tessa!" Emma waves me over.

"Hey," I say flatly before sitting down at her table.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing." I shrug.

"Don't lie. Tell me."

"I just feel a little sad. Hardin and I had such a great weekend together, but I haven't seen or heard from him all morning. I'm afraid he's going to go back to acting like a jerk now that he'll be around his friends again."

"Oh, I see. I don't think you have anything to worry about, though." Emma smiles.

"Why not?"

Emma points behind me. "Look."

I turn around to see Hardin and Nate walking toward our table.

"Hey, Em," Nate says with a huge smile. "Hi, Tessa," he adds politely.

"Um, hi, Nate."

"What about me? Don't I get a 'hi'?" Hardin chuckles.

"Hi," I say, still in shock.

"Is something wrong, Tess?" Hardin asks before taking a seat next to me.

"I-I just thought you'd be with your friends."

"Oh. Well, I'd rather be with my girlfriend."


"Yes. That's what you are. Why are you acting so weird?"

"Hardin," I whisper, "I just thought... Well, I just thought you might start acting like a womanizing jerk again, now that we're not alone," I admit.

"Ouch," Hardin says with a sincere look of hurt on his face.

"I'm sorry."

"You're just being honest. I guess I can't really blame you. I have sent you mixed signals before. But Tess... I'm committed to being a good boyfriend to you. Just give me a chance to prove it."

"I really am sorry, Hardin. I had such a great time with you on the weekend, but I was scared it wasn't going to be the same at school."

"Well, you better get used to me being around more often. You're pretty much the only person I want to be around."

"Thanks, man," Nate adds from across the table.

"And maybe him... sometimes." Hardin chuckles.

"O-okay," I stutter.

Hardin gently tucks my hair behind my ear, cups my cheek and kisses me, right in the middle of the campus cafe.

"Wh-what was that for?" I ask, a little flustered.

"I haven't done that since Saturday night. I needed my Tessa fix." He smiles.

"You're such a smooth talker!" I playfully hit him.

"Well, if it isn't my favourite way to pass a lonely night," Molly says as she strolls up to us with the biggest smirk on her face, along with a tray full of food. "Oh, hi, T-Tessa. I almost didn't see you there."

"Fuck off, Molly," Hardin snaps.

"Maybe you could help me with that." She reaches one of her hands over and starts running it through Hardin's hair before he moves out of the way.

"I mean it, Molly," Hardin says angrily.

"Don't tell me you are actually serious about being with her," Molly scoffs.

"Excuse me? I have a name." I try my best to defend myself.

"Yeah. T-Tessa," she mocks.

"Actually, I just call her my girlfriend," Hardin says proudly as he wraps his arm around me.

"What?" Molly's mouth falls open and I can't help but let out a small laugh. "But you don't date."

"I do when it's the right person. And Tess is the right person." He turns and smiles at me.

"Okay." Molly shrugs and starts to walk past us. Just as I start to think she's finally gotten the message, she tosses her tray of food on me. "Oops." She smirks and walks away as everyone in the room starts to laugh at me.

"Tess!" Hardin says in shock.

As I look around at a room full of people laughing at me and feel the contents of Molly's lunch dripping down my hair and clothes, I feel like I'm in one of those horrible nightmares you have where you dream you're naked in a public place and everyone is staring at you.

"Tess? Please, say something," Hardin begs.

"Tessa? Are you okay?" Emma asks with a worried look on her face.

Their words, along with everyone else's laughter, echo through my head. I immediately get up and run out of the cafe. I go into the nearest bathroom and once I make sure the stalls are empty, I start to cry.

Seconds later, I hear a familiar voice. "Tessa? Are you in here?" Emma asks softly as she walks into the bathroom.

"Go away."


"Please, Emma... Just go away!" I cry.

Once Emma leaves, I continue to cry before wiping off what I can from my clothes. I wash my face and then bolt for my dorm room.

Once I get back to my dorm, I lie on my bed and cry into my pillow. I can't do this. I can't be with Hardin if it means I'm going to have to put up with being humiliated on a daily basis. I really like him. I feel a connection with him. But it just isn't worth how awful I always end up feeling.

After crying into my pillow for ten more minutes, I make the hard decision to end things with Hardin.

After crying into my pillow for ten more minutes, I make the hard decision to end things with Hardin

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