I groaned and looked around, wondering where Cam was. No, wait a minute, where did he sleep? While he placed me on his bed? Did we sleep next to each other? Or— did he sleep on the— Oh, yes, he did.

On the other side of the bed, I noticed a comforter blanket and a pillow on the floor. I chewed my lower lip, my cheeks flushing as I imagined Cam laying me and my drunken ass on his bed before sleeping on the floor next to me. I frowned, not minding that he would just sleep next to me on the bed, but welp, if only I wasn't passed out.— Oh god, that part was embarrassing, I don't remember anything before I passed out.

I stood up and walked towards the desk, which had bottled water, waffles, blueberries in Tupperware, and a cup of espresso. My red dress hanging on the chair, dried and looked freshly laundered with a floral scent as I took a smell of it. You kidding me? He washed my dress, which was stained with I-hope-it-wasn't-vomit but a tequila drink? Wow, that was surprising and—- also funny how I imagined Cam standing with his arms crossed in front of this washing machine in a laundry room, just waiting for the dress to be washed up, and a small laugh escaped from my mouth as I thought about that scenario.

I had no idea Cam could be so... This is extremely thoughtful. Ugh, hold on, this is just the bare minimum, come on, pull yourself together, (Y/n), but, isn't it odd,— in a good way? Cam is just so nice and kind, even though he's very annoying as hell sometimes. Nah, he's still more of a mystery than a nice guy.

Then I frowned slightly as I sat down, grabbed the waffle, and bit into it with sweet blueberries. I took another look at the letter, a lovely thoughtful letter from Cam. I couldn't take my gaze away from the Love word before his name.

"Love, Cam."

Love, Cam.
Love... Why was there a ringing bell in the back of my head when I read that word?

"You're such a tease, love." He said, in awed— also in a little shock from what just happened between us.

Wait the fuck— a minute.
What happened last night?

I chomped cautiously, my eyes went left to right while recalling a memory from last night, it was all a blur but, I just suddenly heard Cam's voice in my head.

"So, what if we have?—."

"I don't know."

"You do know."


"You know, if that's the case,— then we should be together, right?" he asked.

I remembered Cam gazing deeply into my eyes, whispering softly, and moving his face closer, the tip of our noses almost touching, basically teasing but our hearts were racing at the moment, and then— feeling his warm hand with his handkerchief on my thigh, on my skin, I caught another glimpse of his green eyes gazing at mine. I couldn't get it out of my head. His eyes were something else.

I paused and set the waffle down as I grabbed the espresso, my cheeks flushing and numb from the shame of my actions towards Cam last night at the party. Oh shit, did that really happen and wasn't a dream? I frowned deeply as I set the drink down on the desk. , I faltered, blushing as I replayed our almost-kissing moment.

No no, okay— yeah, it happened, but— we were drunk right? Yeah, that was nothing then, we were— just teasing and— messing around. I covered my mouth in disbelief and laughed sheepishly behind my hand. I softly groaned irritably, "Oh my god." and buried my face in both of my palms. I hope Cam doesn't remember anything from last night.

𝐅𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧 𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐫𝐞 || CAM BRIELWhere stories live. Discover now