Arms wrapping around shoulders as I couldn't tell which ones were mine and which were its. I couldn't even tell if I was hugging myself or if it was hugging me. Gasping for breath, I scratched at my smooth chest as I found all fours, covering my glossy head, curled hair catching at the bottom of my head, while I curled in on myself, wailing as the mana grew jagged and formed, rippling and cracking around me.

         "Oh what the f-" A voice yelped as I looked to where a green light glowed, recoiling at whatever sight it found. Cold black droplets ran down my face instead of tears as I reached for the person with a hand that only held three fingers.

       "I- please!" I cried, my voice rough and scratchy. This wasn't me, this wasn't what I wanted.

      "There's a person in there?! Now it's eating people?!" The voice shrieked, the green jumping away from me. Clawing at the ground, I forgot how to breathe, my chest heaving, and my throat burning.

        "What are you going talking about- oh what in the w-" A white light lept away as my back slithered, limbs growing and clawing at the ground just the same. "Lilith!"

        "Li- That's a student?!" White hands grabbed at one of the hands, pulling only to fall back as it separated, cracking and breaking off.

        "Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop-" I pleaded, gagging and gasping as it covered my mouth, forcing me to shut up. No. No. No. No. No. No. A shriek left a mouth not my own with a horror I wanted to share. "Get off! Get off! Get off!" I demanded, my voice not my own as I clawed at my head, forcing the obsidian away. "I said get off!" Suddenly, everything stopped, gasping for breath as I fell to the ground, a shadow cast over me, I curled in on myself coughing, my throat burning and lungs lurching.

         With a teary glare, I twisted to stare at the thing that dared to tilt its head in confusion. Planting my foot on its chest I forced it away from me, it obliged to moving, as if humoring me. Sitting on its heels as I lept away, stumbling while I did so, I found the hands of Miss H, glaring at the thing that thought that was a way to protect me. My head throbbing as I hissed, not knowing why I knew that was why it had done it.

          "What is wrong with you?! I did not say you could do that! That was not what I was saying!" I stepped away from the older woman with a stumble, taking a forceful step forward, slamming my hand in its head, it didn't offer resistance, merely rippling around my hand as I took hold of the orb it even brought to my hand. Ripping it out, the form splashed into a puddle that seeped into the earth below.

       "You do not do as you please with me! If I call you come! If I tell you to play that does not give you the right to swallow me!" I shouted at the orb before throwing it at a tree harshly. It bounced off, rolling back, "You are not allowed to treat me like I am below you!" I stomped on it, wiping my cheek of the tears pooling out. Tears I did not welcome. I was mad, I was not sad. "Gods! Why does my own magic think I'm weak?!" I practically screamed pulling at my hair.

         With a heaving chest, I glared at my foot, moving it and crouching over the thing that wasn't even distressed at my harsh treatment. It had emotions. It wasn't even living. It was mana. It was my mana. But it had emotions. Emotions I had thought I had shoved down deep. But apparently, all I did was give those emotions a form they could express themselves with.

         "You suck," I sniffled, wiping my cheek and picking up the marble. "Don't do that," I said softer holding it to my chest with both hands.

        "... Lilith?" Jolting I found Miss H hesitantly approaching with a rogue a safe distance away, uninterested in coming closer. Opening my mouth, having no explanation, I closed it, pulling the marble closer to my chest I twisted it away from her sight, leaving her to pause.

         "That's the thing no one believed existed!" Called the man a distance away, hands cupped around his mouth to make sure she heard. "The demon in my imagination!" He pressed, her brow twitching as she looked over her shoulder with a level of irritation I had only seen on her face around Edward. But before she could tell him off I opened my mouth.

        "It's not a demon!" I snapped glaring at him, "If you call my magic a demon one more time, even if you are a professor here, I will not forgive you," I would feel my eyes spin as the words held more of a threat than I had meant them to.

        "... Lilith," Miss H slowly began her way over again, more cautiously this time, before crouching in front of me, the glance she gave my hands making me twist away from her more. "Its like your dragon, right?" She asked carefully, reaching out to rub my shoulder.

       "Yes!" I said quickly, the lie one I was more than willing to give. "My magic, my dragon," I mumbled looking down at my hands. "Its just like my Vitreus," I nodded softly, "L-Latro,"

       "Latro?" She asked, softly offering her hand, as if wishing to shake hands. Opening my hands, the marble growing a large and clawed hand, wrapping it around hers. "Nice to m-meet you Latro," She hissed gently, the hand retracting and claw marks clear on her hands. "What, uh, what were you and Latro doing?" She asked, looking at her now bleeding hand while I glared at the hand, grabbing the wrist and forcefully breaking it from the orb.

         "Latro, uh, w-wanted to protect me," I mumbled pulling it close again, "It wanted to be armor," I looked away from her at that, the thought one I didn't like. I didn't want to be swallowed in my own magic.

       "Armor?" Came a disgusted voice. Glancing at him, a glare on my face, he raised a brow at the hostility. "Interesting concept, especially for a creature like that, but a rogue has no need for such a heavy thing,"

       "Vince," Miss H snapped, "She is a lead just like any other,"

        "And a rogue, have you lot been treating her as if she was like any other? Truly? No wonder the girl's having a meltdown forcing magic into armor," He shook his head, hugging his arms with a shiver.

        "She is a very special girl but she is-"

        "Still a lead? Horrible way of putting it, it's as if you aren't even calling her a person, maybe a monster," He shrugged, she actually swung a spear of glass at him. A laugh bubbled in my throat while she paused her attack on the man that had easily stepped away. Tears followed despite having heard it before. Special. It really is like they're treating me like a monster, huh?

       "Do you think me a monster too?" I looked up at the man who had frozen, tears running down my face but a smile there just the same.

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