A Level of Challenge 5

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Eventually, Cullen's back was salved, and the edge of the pain was steadily dropping away. It was blending into a different kind of heat, and he felt dazed as he shifted again, one hand bracing on Bull's knee while his face tipped up and he tried to find Bull's mouth with his own. He found the curve of a jaw, tried to stretch up higher and Bull's lips were right where he wanted them to be.

The kiss itself lacked grace – entirely his end, his body uncoordinated – but it was warm and sweet, and then it was over too soon, and he tried to follow Bull's mouth only to feel a bracing hand on his shoulder.

'Ah ah,' Bull said warmly, 'not now. We gotta talk about that later. You just take it easy. I'll stay right here. I got no better place to be. Unless, y'know, we take this to a room with a bed. Still think you should be lying down for this part.'

Cullen made a noise of agreement, because it seemed like the right point in the conversation to agree. Then he realised that he technically didn't agree with what Bull said at all, but couldn't bring himself to care very much.

Proper awareness came back slowly. He shifted in increments, then moved away from Bull and rested his forehead on the back of the chair. He felt tired. Queasy. He knew he'd kissed Bull and knew that if Bull had decided to fuck him at that point, Cullen would have not only gone along, but been enthusiastic, even eager. His cheeks were hot.

'Looks like...I got there in the end,' Cullen said, his voice rough.

'You sure did,' Bull said, laughing.

'Maker, I don't know how I'm going to get back to my room,' Cullen said.

The sentence was absently said – sincerely meant, but it wasn't the kind of thing he'd normally say if he had a chance to think it through. And the silence that followed was telling. Cullen opened his eyes and realised he still had the stupid blindfold on. He pulled it up and off his face, wincing at the movement. He blinked rapidly, adjusting to the light. The blindfold was damp in his fingers. He looked over at Bull and thought that he really should think through what he said before he said it.

'Neither do I,' Bull said, staring at him. 'You're not gonna let me help you, are you? You don't think you could come up with some reason? You don't trust me to?'

'They'll think I'm sleeping with you,' Cullen said, feeling like this reintroduction into reality was too brutal, that he wasn't ready for it. He clung to the blindfold. Wished Bull didn't feel so far away even though he was within reaching distance. 'I can't be shown to be giving that kind of favour to other people.'

'Why?' Bull said, blinking at him. 'No offense, but the Inquisitor doesn't give a rat's ass about who she sleeps with. The other advisors don't give a shit. As for the others, they-'

'-Are not the Commander of the Inquisition,' Cullen grit out, and then flinched before Bull could say anything. 'Sorry. I know I shouldn't interrupt. I shouldn't. But I...'

He felt unmoored. He looked away from Bull and then realised that he'd had enough of this sitting position. He didn't need it. Without really thinking it through, he pushed backwards and then stood up. One of his knees refused to lock under him and he buckled. Bull was there, muttering something under his breath, a hand around his elbow, the other at his side.

'Sit down,' Bull said, and Cullen blinked at the force of the order and sat so that his side could lean into the chair's back and his legs could lean closer together. He was facing Bull now, his head drooping. 'I'm in a bit of a rock and a hard place with you. I could just whip you lightly, let you go back to your room all frustrated, and that's that. But I know you want more, and I can give you that too. That's what we both want, right? But you know what? I think this doesn't happen again in this place until you let me walk you to your office, or you find a place for this to happen that has a bed. And I don't mean installing some shitty cot in here, I mean a good, comfortable bed.'

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