Becoming Part 7

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Blinky looks towards the ceiling away from Jim’s face, and scratches his chin with one of his four hands.  “Well, keeping a close watch.”  Jim raises an eyebrow at the two.  

Then a loud rumble happened, causing Jim, Blinky, and yourself to jump.  And look in the direction of the cause of it.  Low and behold, Aaarrrgghh was laying down on his stomach looking up at the two of them with a small sad look.  “Door small,”  

You then turn your attention to Toby to see how he is holding up, and it doesn't look too good.  

You could hear a woman's voice in the background of the phone call Toby was on.  

“Animal Control, how may I help you?”  The woman asked in a tone, you could tell she has done this a million times.  

Toby was quick to respond, “Monsters, at my best friend's house!  I need you to send a squad!”  Looking up above the counter, only to see Aaarrgghh getting up looking towards the direction of the sound.  

“Is this a joke, kid?”  The woman's voice sounded very irritated and tired, her mask immediately fading away.  

Toby ducks back down under the counter top, “Make that the National Guard!”  The only response he got was the vex woman hanging up on him.  “Animal control hung up on me…”  Aaarrrgghh was looking down wide eyed and very curious, it reminded you of an overgrown house cat.  

Blinky turned towards Jim with a frown on his face, “You told your stout little friend about us?”  Then looking towards the duo over there, and quickly sneaking me a glance.  

“Um, is that a problem?”  Jim asked worried and slightly nervous about the outcome of his choice.  

“Master Jim, we trolls have gone great lengths to keep our existence secret from your kind, lest there be panic.  With the exception of your (h/c) haired friend,”  Aaarrrgghh reached over the counter-top and picked Toby up and set him on the counter. 

Toby let's out another small scream, and grips a lad, looking between the two trolls extremely nervously and repeating the same phrase over and over again.  “Oh, my gosh.  Oh, my gosh…”  Then quickly stands and holds the ladle out as if it were his weapon.  

Blinky slightly sighs, “Like that.”  Jim walks up to Toby and stands on the other side of the counter.

“It’s all right, Tobes.”  

“They’re like nine feet tall,”  Toby keeps turning the ladle from one troll to the other very quickly as a type of warning you could guess.  

Jim raises his hand towards Toby “This is my best friend, Toby D.”  

“He has like 800 eyes, weŕe going to die,” Toby said right after Jim introduces him while smiling.  

Blinky let out a small scoff that had the tone of him being amused, “Hardly.  You friend is the Trollhunter.  His noble obligation is protective.” 

Toby lets out a small breath of air, and his words reach his brain.  You knew this was where Tobes would have his mood swing on his opinion.  “Like ‘protecting’?”  Toby blinks, while you just chuckle slightly.  Toby brings down the ladle and sits at the edge of the counter, “You mean like a superhero?  Oh, can I be his sidekick?”  Tobes asks eagerly, “With a cool superhero name like Deathblade or Sniper Snake?”  Toby swings the ladle in a circular motion.  

Jim butts in, “Just wait.  Who would I be protecting?”  

Aaarrrgghh gestures to himself while saying, “Us,”  

Majikku : TrollHunter x reader (Various)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang