"He's home finally."

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Tw: implied possessiveness

They get home.

Techno and HIS Tommy, nobody can take him from Techno.

Tommy had been asleep in his arms all the way. Expect from it seem he had been having a horrible dream. Techno's good at calming people calm though. He did it to his brother for years.

Tommy stirs cuddling closer to to Techno with her he didn't know was possible.

All Techno could do was coo at the action.

Techno had gotten to the cave that Techno lived in or well him and his Toms lives in now.

Techno hadn't expected to have a child. He can share his nest.

Techno settled Tommy down in his nest.

Once Tommy had woken up several hours later.

Tommy stirs. Feeling warmth next to him. But there shouldn't be warmth? He got kicked out of his pod yesterday. There also arms warped loosely around him

He slowly opens his eyes to reveal a bloody massive siren.

Tommy panics. Trying to careful wiggle out so he doesn't wake the siren.

The siren groans clearly annoyed.

Tommy tried to wiggle out faster.

The arms around him tighten. Protectively? Like he's worried some ones taking Tommy away from him.

Tommy freezes too scared to move at this point.

Tommy is no where near half the size of this siren and it seems like he could just crush him at any moment.

"Where do you think your going?" Techno asks in a low growl. Ever so clearly annoyed that Tommy was trying to leave.

"I-- I- I uhm didn't want to bother you-- so- so I wanted to leave as to not bother you." Tommy tries to explain stumbling over his own words.

"Well you can't leave. You're apart of my pod now." He says getting up Still holding Tommy close to him.

"I- I'm sorry!" Tommy quickly apologizes.

"Its okay. Bud its your first day here can't be expect to remember straight away. But you'll learn over time." He says with a sickly sweet tone, it makes Tommy melt into Techno's hold.

"Are you hungry bud? You fell asleep before I could feed you last night." Techno asks before standing.

"I-I mean yeah I am but its fine I'm not that hungry!" Tommy says right before his stomach growls, letting the siren know he's lied.

"It's rude to lie Tommy." Techno says sternly.

"I- I'm sorry!" He's quick to apologize.

"I'll let you off with a waring this time." He says.

"O-ok." Tommy says.

Techno carry's Tommy to a room where Techno keeps his food.

Tommy was handed sea weed. Oh! its food Tommy's okay to eat! He knows Tommy can't reallly conume meats or well at least not yet.

Tommy eats it on silence. Technos been watching him the whole time. It makes him feel uncomfortable.

Once Tommy's finishs.

Techno picks up Tommy again and takes him back to the nest.

Tommy looks at Techno confused.

"You swam miles yesterday. You need to rest." Techno says placing Tommy carefully in the nest.

Oh Tommy thinks that makes sence.

Tommy lays down and yawns.

As Tommy's eye lids slowly start to  drop down he swears he can see a dark look in Techno's eyes and a dark grin but he was too tired to think too hard about it.

As Techno leaves Tommy to sleep he smells something familiar.

Techno goes to the entrance. And sure enough there's someone there.

"Wilbur? What are you doing here? Your not not to be here for about another month." Techno questions him.

"Am I not allowed to visit my own brother?" Wilbur asks floating next him.

"Be quite will you? Tommy's sleeping." Techno says pushing Wilbur to the ground.

"Oof!" Wilbur says landing on the ground. "Who's Tommy?"

"A child I've taken in."

"You? A child? Lemme see him!" Wilbur says trying to swim off before getting caught by Techno.

"No I said he was sleeping." Techno says.

"Ughhhhhh. But I wanna see him noww." Wilbur complains.

"No. Now why did dad send you here early?" Techno questions.

"Because he wanted peace and quite before coming here." Wilbur slightly mumbles.

"Hah so you did get kicked out. Nerdddd." Techno says swimming deeper in Toronto his cave.

"No I didn't!" He says swimming after him.

After several hours had passed

"Techhhhh?" Wilbur wines for about the 200th time this hour.

"Let me geuss." Techno says. "WhEnS tOmMy GoNnA wAkE uP?" He says in a high pitched voice.

"I do not sound like that!" Wilbur wines again..

"I can give check if he's up. Probably is beacuse of your wines." Techno says getting up.

Techno seems to the nest. And as Techno joked he had woken up.

"Hi bud you okay?" Techno asks softly.

Tommy nods rubbing his eyes.

Techno picks him up and brings him back to the room Wilbur sat in.

Wilbur's eyes light up upon setting his eyes Tommy.

Wilbur swims forward to where Techno us sat with Tommy clinging into his shirt.

"Aww hi Tommy!" Wilbur says.

Tommy took one look at Wilbur and buryed his head in Technos chest.

Techno wheezed at how Tommy just ignored Wilbur.

Wilbur pouted. "Why dosnt he like me?"

"Well he did just wake up like as I walked into the room he had just woken up so he may still be a bit tired." Techno says placing Tommy down.

"Still dosnt make up for it!" Willbur says folding his arms and Turing round.

Tommy just looks at Wilbur and puts his thumb in his mouth.


"Hmph!" Wilbur moans.

Tommy just lays down next to Techno cuddling next to him.


"Well you did get right in his face moments after he woke up." Techno says putting his arm around Tommy to pull him closer.

"Not my fault he just woke up! I blame you." Wilbur says. Point it for to Techno.

"Hah. Like you to blame me like some child." Techno says.

"YOU LITTLE SH-" Wilbur starts before gtiong cut off.



HEYY been a while hast it?


Ig I'm sorry? Idk what to say tbh I've been caught up with school.

I've started my GCSES


Word count: 1050

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