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Kuea finds himself dealing with a headache since he woke up just earlier. He was so wasted last night but he gladly can recall what he did last night.

But he was surprised looking at his surroundings. It was neat and clean just like nothing happened last night. Which he finds weird because he knows the person who always comes here to clean his house was not around cause she is out of town for a week.

"Finally the sleepy head awake already" he turn his head to where the voice came from.

Diao was smiling while holding the tray with porridge coming towards him.

"I made you a porridge" Diao placed the tray and he set up the porridge in front of him so he could eat while it was still hot.

Kuea only stares at the porridge. Having those deep thoughts coming to him. Then he raised his face and met Diao's waiting face.

"Why? Do you want me to feed you?" Diao started to tease his best friend. The lad one just giggles at the moment.

He started to dig into his porridge. Diao only stared at him while enjoying the food he made by himself only.

"I really don't know what to do without you"

"Really??" Diao reacted sassily.

Kuea grab his hand as he leaned closer to him. He put his hand on the left side of his chest. While locking his eyes off him.

"Can you marry me instead?" heat rise up from the both of them. They blushed together, and they both look away from each other. Composing their self together.

Diao was shocked and the same as Kuea that he purposely teased his best friend but end up putting himself in that situation he just started to feel the butterflies.

"Are you crazy?!" Diao composed enough himself. He confronted Kuea with a little punch to his shoulder.

Kuea felt relief that he think Diao just acted okay after that awkward marriage proposal.

"I'm just teasing you"

"I know. Also were just more than a friend and more like brothers right?"

"Right" Kuea out of himself agreeing to him.

Diao's eyes landed on Kuea hands. He still wearing their engagement ring.

"Are you gonna sulking to Hia Lin?"

Kuea follow Diao's sight and it was on his hands. He realized that he still wearing it.

"It's not valid anymore right?" he showed his ring and he take it off afterward then he put it down on the table...

"I wanna be myself, I'm done faking everything about myself. I'll reveal who is behind the mask of Kirin"

"Are you sure??"

"I am. Besides my audience has been requested to see my face. I think I am ready tonight"

"Wait tonight???" He felt so sudden because the last time they talk about it. Kuea never decided to show his face and reveal his true identity because he is already contented to sing and perform on the stage.

"Yeah, I don't want to waste time"

"Whatever you want to do, I am here always supporting you okay??" Kuea nodded as he paint a smile on his face. He felt so lucky to have Diao in his life.


Lian stays late up at night thinking about what just happened last night. He was so bothered by Kuea because that was the first time he saw him like that. He acts so cold not bother to Kuea that much because he won't know what to do either. When they were young. They were engaged by their families. And now he has at that age, he knew Kuea and him were engaged. But he still finds trouble to figure his feelings for him. And he is not confident in himself and to his achievement to marry the only son of Keerati.

He was harsh to Kuea and he knew he broke the younger's heart.

He was in his office while he is doing his paperwork. He can't calm down and always looks to his phone notification if his fiancé called him or send him a text. But it's almost past noon. There's still no sign of Kuea's notifications.

"Lian" he didn't notice Yi entered his office already. He leads himself a way to the couch and seat comfortably. Lian after him and seated on the opposite side of Yi.

"So what happen last night?" Yi was ready to hear anything that Lin stupid things he'll do whenever he is with Kuea.

"Nothing" he bored.

"As I expected nothing will happen because you are so confident that Kuea always stood for you" he chuckled. He is so satisfied to see Lin take his guard down.

"If you have nothing to say. You may leave now" looks like he is not baiting Yi's words.

"Chill. I was just saying the truth"

"Says who? Why?? Are you also confident that your beloved Kon Diao always stood for you also?" Yi face suddenly changed. He knew that Lian is now attacking back at him.

"Put Diao away in our conversation" Lian grinned at Yi. He really knows his weak spot. "I was just about to say that you should move your ass right now. You knew what he was doing behind your back right? Also, he is Keerati, and everyone swooning at him cause he got cuter every day. Don't let anyone steal your beloved fiancé"

By that time, Lian's worries grew bigger and he felt so anxious thinking about what Kuea said last night.

He doesn't want Kuea to break off their engagement.

cutie bestie ➸ nunew x nat ✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora