I immediately break the eye contact and sink a little lower in my seat. Realization hits me and now I know why the guy standing on the coffee table looked so familiar. It was Matt. Blake's friend. The one I kind of met at the bar that night.             

The game has now begun. People start going around the room, asking and doing stupid shit. I'm not really paying attention though. No, I'm trying to devise an escape plan.               

"Hey, freshie!" I hear but choose to ignore it, intently looking into my half empty cup as of it will magically solve my problem.         

It's not until I feel Mia jab me in the ribs, do I look up and see everyone staring right at me. I look around the room and then at Matt, who I now realize was addressing me.               

"I dare you to give Blake here a nice kiss."

It's in this moment where I contemplate all of my previous life choices and ask God, why me? What have I done to deserve this? Does Blake remember me and now he's fucking with me?

My question is promptly answered when Blake speaks up, "come on freshie. I don't bite. That is, unless you want me to."

People start to laugh and to be honest I'm relived he doesn't remember. He clearly wouldn't refer to me as 'freshie' if he did. He also could have just forgotten my name which is plausible but when I look at him once again, he doesn't show any signs of recognition.         

With that weight lifted off my shoulders I relax and even manage a small laugh as I respond, "oh sorry, I'm actually not playing."         

Silence fills the room and it's starting to get uncomfortable. As if the fact that I'm not going to kiss him comes across as a huge shock to everyone. The two girls sitting on his lap however look relieved to say the least. I am no longer getting death stares from them.              

He stares at me a little too long before he says, "I'll tell you what. I don't usually fuck with freshmen. But if you come give me a nice kiss, I'll make an exception for you and we'll go upstairs right after."           

The room is silent and I think my jaw is on the floor. What the fuck did he just say to me? This has to be some kind of sick joke. Am I supposed to feel honoured or something?

See, this is exactly why I can't stand entitled fuckboys with over inflated egos. He's insane if he thinks I'll take him up on his offer. I know I've said before that I'm shy, but here's the thing, I'm shy until I'm not. I'm shy until an asshole like Blake pisses me off and my need to put the bitch in his place overtakes my shyness.      

I stare at him intently for a minute as if I'm considering his offer. People are looking between us waiting on my next move. I slowly stand up and begin to cross the room. He does the same with a smirk on his face, pushing off the two girls that were on his lap. Once I'm standing right in front of him, I push him back down into the love seat which seems to catch him off guard for a second. With my hands placed carefully on his shoulders I begin to lower, straddling him and sitting on his lap. At this point his cocky smirk is back and he thinks he has the upper hand. I then kiss him which turns into a heated make out session pretty quickly. I can hear people whistling and cat calling. I'm not going to lie, those same glorious sparks I felt the first time we kissed have returned and for a brief moment I'm in heaven.

The feeling of his arousal pressing up against me brings me back down to earth and I compose myself enough to break the kiss. As I pull back, I can see the dazed look in his eyes. I lean back in to whisper not so quietly in his ear, making sure mostly everyone can hear.         

"Maybe if you had a little less dick in your personality and a little bit more in your pants, I'd actually consider fucking you." I pull back and quickly get off his lap but not before catching his baffled expression. People have started to laugh and I can tell he still has no clue what the fuck just happened.         

With those lovely last few words, I leave the room before he can respond. Because I know from experience, that he has just as much dick in his pants as he does in his personality.             

I manage to get out but I have no clue where I'm going. I pass the kitchen and see the open doors leading into the backyard so that's where I go. Air. I need air. I'm still in shock over what just happened and I'm not completely sure I didn't just make the whole thing up. I just can't believe someone would even have the nerve to act like that.   

Someone clears their throat behind me and I turn towards the sound, realizing I am no longer alone. Today is definitely not my fucking day because I'm looking at the last person I ever want to see. At the very least he looks slightly uncomfortable standing there before he finally speaks up, "have we met before?"       

I almost laugh at myself because I actually thought he was going to apologize.


"Definitely, not," I respond in a clipped tone.        

"Are you sure, because I could have sworn, I've seen you before?"     

"I'm sure. I don't associate with your kind."       

 "And what's my kind?"           

I look him in the eyes when I say, "misogynistic pigs." 

He breaks eye contact first, looking down to the ground and if I didn't know better, I would swear I can feel the shame radiating off of him. As it should.

It takes him a while to respond but when he does, he comes up with, "look, for what it's worth, I'm sorry."    

I almost feel the need to forgive him before he opens that God forsaken mouth if his and adds, "but to be completely honest, you're missing out. And you did go through with the dare, so my offer still stands. We could still go upstairs and have some fun." He finishes that lovely thought with a wink and I'm about to lose my shit.     

Now I'm the one asking myself if he is real. Do people like him really exist or is my mind playing tricks on me. I honestly thought assholes like him only existed in the world of fiction, safely tucked away between the pages of a book or the screen of a television. I'm rarely rendered speechless, but this moment right here is one of them.   

I decide to not waste another second on him and scoff while mumbling, "unfucking believable," more to myself than him. And because there's really nothing else left to say, I go inside where I quickly find Mia to let her know I'm leaving.

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