Chapter 5

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Walking in, I realize this whole situation is significantly worse than what I had originally imagined. There are so many people here, everyone is basically on top of each other. It smells like cheap booze mixed with sweat and I feel like I've already had enough of the college experience to get me through all four years. It's hot and sticky and humid and just all around not great. I don't know how people actually enjoy this shit. The introvert inside of me is not happy.          

Mia grabs my hand and pushes through the crowd like a trouper. She's about 5'7 so she's not that small, but compared to some of the tanks here, I can't believe we're actually making it through the crowd. She clearly knows where she's going, so I comply and follow her. As we're walking, I scan the crowd and quickly realize my outfit sticks out like a sore thumb. I was hoping I would morph into the background and be able to pretend like I'm invisible, but from the stares coming my way, I think my plan was a bust.

Most girls here are wearing extremely short and tight dresses and a full face of makeup looking like they just came off the runway. But hey, at least I'm comfortable.    

Mia gets us into the kitchen where she grabs two solo cups from a stack and makes us some drinks. I continue scanning the crowd and taking everything in because the one thing I know for sure is that this won't be happening again. There's a group of people dancing on a makeshift dance floor in the centre of a spacious living room. The room visible from the kitchen to the right displays a group of people playing beer pong. And then through the floor to ceiling windows on the left, I can see a bunch of people cheering for some guy currently doing a keg stand.        

Mia hands me my drink and informs me we are going to another room to meet up with her boyfriend. Once again, she grabs my hand and leads me through the mass of people until we stop in front of what looks to be a second living room. There's two couches and a couple of love seats with quite a few people in this room. We enter the room and walk right up to a tall group of guys chatting. She taps the shoulder of who I assume is her boyfriend and he turns around. The minute he realizes it's her, his face lights up and he has the biggest smile.          

Cute, I think to myself. I wonder how long that's going to last. If there's one thing I know, it's that the honeymoon phase doesn't last forever.       

"Sam, this is my new roommate Sabrina. Sabrina, this is my boyfriend Sam," Mia introduces us.             

I smile politely and say hi. He then begins introducing the rest of the guys in his group but gets cut off halfway through.         

This guy with dirty blond hair stands on the coffee table and starts to shout, "everyone gather around the couches! We're about to play truth or dare but without the truth. So, I guess just dare."

People are starting to do as he says but I keep staring at him because for some reason he seems familiar. I feel like I've seen him somewhere before but I can't quite remember where. I can't shake the feeling as Mia pulls me down to one of the couches beside her. There's four of us on this coach. I'm on the edge, next to Mia who's sitting next to Sam and then one of the guys he began to introduce, sits beside him but I can't actually remember his name.           

The room settles down a little and when I look up directly in front of me, I completely freeze. I cannot believe this is happening to me. I cannot believe what my eyes are seeing. On one of the love seats in front of us, sits a guy with dark brown almost black hair, two girls sitting on his lap and the prettiest blue green eyes I have ever seen. Blake. The Blake. Of all people, he's the one that's sitting right across the room laughing at something one of the girls said to him. At this point I'm pretty much gaping in disbelief. He must feel my eyes burning into him because he then decides to turn his head in my direction, making direct eye contact. I see something flash across his face and sure as hell hope it's not recognition.

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