
They have arrived home from the fireworks fair, all tired. Katsuki took sleeping Mihaki to his room, carefully changing his clothes, then put him on his bed. After that, the couple change their clothes to something more comfy. Izuku was laying on his and Katsuki's shared bed, staring at the ring Katsuki has put on. He keeps smiling, not believing that it happened. That everything would eventually back to how it was. Katsuki suddenly sit next to him and greet him,"Hey, darling." "Hey." Izuku said while holding back his uncontrollably smile, knowing that he'd look weird if he smile too wide. "Pfft, sorry that sounds corny, I just want to call you with sweet names and all." Katsuki chuckled as he lay down next to Izuku. "Call me whatever you want, I'd still love it." Whispered Izuku as he put his arm around Katsuki. Katsuki hugged him back as he put his arms around Izuku's waist.

Suddenly, Izuku yelp as he feels Katsuki's hand going under his loose hoodie. Katsuki smirks. "Agh! K-kacchan, Mihaki is sleeping in the next room!!" "But we haven't done it in years, I miss it. Don't you?" Izuku blushed as he said that. He'd be lying if he said no. He's actually been excited too, but he tried to ignore it by keeping himself busy with Mihaki. He sweats, "Let's wait till our days off... we'll drive Mihaki to his grandparent's. Then you can devour me all you want." He said as he rolls on top of Katsuki, smiling innocently. Katsuki licks his lip. "You sexy little shit, stop turning me on more," as he said that, Izuku felt something raised underneath him. He realized what was happening then rolls over to the other side of the bed, covering his very red face. "Stop hiding, go take responsibility." Said Katsuki as he put on a devilish smirk and tugged on Izuku's hoodie. I guess it's going to be a long night...


It's finally the day. After all the planning, the day has finally come. The wedding day. Izuku just finished his makeover. It's a modern styled wedding, so he's wearing a white suit with a green tie. Even though he's technically also the groom, he's holding a bouquet of flowers and a beautiful thin long white veil with flowers on top of it, covering his sofy face and well styled hair. He's waiting patiently in his room, staring at his reflection on the mirror. He couldn't help but smile to see that he actually looks so good, and imagined how Katsuki would look like. Last time, he looked good with the wedding kimono, when they had their first traditional Japanese wedding. Now he imagined how good Katsuki would look with a suit, a pretty tight one that will pretty much flex his arm muscles. He began to blush just thinking about him.

But he also couldn't help but felt worry and anxious. What if Katsuki change his though? What if he regret that proposal? What if Katsuki think he wasn't that attractive anymore? What if Katsuki's feelings suddenly gone again? Thoughts after thoughts started to fill his head as he felt sick, but it soon gone when he saw someone entered the room. "Izuku, it's time." Midoriya quickly wiped away the little tears he didn't realize was falling, and walked up to his mother who volunteered to walk him down the aisle, since Hisashi wasn't around anymore. He was very nervous and keep mumbling the thoughts he was having. "Izuku." He looked as his mother. "You shouldn't worry too much, instead you should be happy since this is supposed to be your special day. We know that Katsuki isn't dumb and always thinks before he acts, so I know that he's being serious when he asks for your hand in marriage." Inko smiled while holding back her happy tears. Those words are enough to reassure Izuku, especially when it came from his mother."Yeah, I know, thanks Mom."


There Katsuki was, standing nervously with the priest. Then suddenly, he saw him. Izuku. Walking towards him, looking down. I guess he's nervous too, how cute, he thought. Then after Izuku is next to him, Inko gave them a smile then sat down to one of the front chairs. Izuku then looked up to Katsuki. He's wearing a black suit which indeed looked tight, as his arm muscles are slightly visible. He's wearing a red tie. His hair is slightly slicked back. "You look gorgeous." Katsuki comments before Izuku could. Izuku blushes even harder,"You too." They held hands as the priest began to start the whole wedding speech. Izuku listen carefully and enjoys every moments of it, while Katsuki just patiently waiting for theist part.

"Katsuki Bakugo, do you take this man to be your husband, to live together in (holy) matrimony, to love him, to honor him, to comfort him, and to keep him in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, for as long as you both shall live?"

"I do." He gave him an immediate answer. All the worry then left Izuku's body. The priest asks the same for him, and Izuku also gave an immediate answer,"I do." He couldn't contain his emotions. He couldn't contains his tears and wide, ugly smile. "I now pronounce you husbands," And before he could even finish, Katsuki quickly raised Izuku's veil, pulls his waist, lift him up and kissed him passionately. They just couldn't contain themselves and their laugh. This was their happiest day. They were back together again, and it's official. They kept kissing and laughing as everyone claps, celebrating their happiness.

"Ew..." There stood little Mihaki, the flower boy, just staring at his parents and sticking out his tongue. Izuku and Katsuki could only smile looking at his act, as one of the couple came to him and lift him up, celebrating with him. Maybe Mihaki finally get the hang of what's happening, as he started to giggle seeing his parents' happy aura.

Izuku was the happiest. Katsuki came back to him.

He came back to me. The unknown disease that tried to take him away from me... he beat it because Mihaki and I was the cure. The missing pieces. We complete each other. I'm glad that our family has a strong bond. I hope it will stay that way....

He suddenly got an odd feeling in his guts. He stares at Katsuki and Mihaki. "...Izuku? You good?" Katsuki asks, looking concerned.

"Will it stay that way...?"

The end?

Hello! I haven't updated this story in months. As I said, I really want to end this quickly, so here it is. Sorry if the end isn't satisfying.

It's still kinda sad that the reads are still not much, considering how much I liked this story at first. I still like it now, just not as much. Well I guess it's up to the algorithm or my style of writing is wrong, who knows.

Anyway, this ending concept has been on my mind since before the story reached the main conflicts, so no, it's not an additional ending to make it look depressing. I just forgot the rest of my plans so... yeah, cliffhangers :').

I will try to write other stories, maybe in the future. Though I'll try to write the WHOLE story first before I publish it weekly so I'll be consistent.

Anyway, thank you for reading!!

Words: 1,9k God damn (not including the author notes)

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