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"yeah, yeah, lay. the. fuck, STILL"

He tried his best to stop her from thrashing about as she did but she just kept moving.

Finally getting a hold of her he smiled as her face had a slight tint to it and he felt her bountiful breasts heaving between his thighs as he sat overtop of her.

Within a flash, he was off the bed and clear across the room, his breath finding its way back through his lungs as she adjust her clothing once more as scooted closer to the headboard, huffing.

In the quiet of the bedroom, as the heavy breathing calmed, he had time to reflect as he caught his breath, he doesn't know what it is but he just has to have her, and for some reason, she was just not listening.

He wants her and it doesn't matter whether or not she wants him back, all that SHOULD matter is the latter.

" You have me, why won't you take me?"

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