the party's just begun

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~Four Weeks Later~

September 30
The park is probably empty today, well, at least at this early hour of the day, hopefully.

She wondered as she walked the two blocks to it, happily rushing towards the swings, or so she thought until she was snatched up.

"You just don't listen, do you?" He said as he walked them toward the slide structure in the middle of the playground—holding her flat against the wooden side, free from prying eyes.

"What's with you, huh? Why won't you listen?" Ken shouted in a slight whisper as his fingers dug into the skin right underneath her armpits, pushing her against the panel as he questioned. Stopping to hear her response,

"I haven't done anything to you. I don't understand what you're talking about." Ken grew frustrated with her answer

"I told you to stay away from me, so what are you doing here?" She sighed deeply into her mouth,

"This is a public place!" Ken went back to pushing her, planting her flat against the structure and shaking it a bit as the two stood on the Plexi playground ground as it meshed under their feet,

"Exactly, so if you didn't come here for me. That means you came here for other niggas. Hmm, do I have it right? So what niggas you be around that got you thinking that way that you can just walk through this mutherfucka? Because, as I said yesterday, you got me now; I'm the only nigga, thug nigga, hood nigga you need. Whether you want me or not. I'm who you got." Ken screamed as he felt frustrated for having to connect the dots for her about their relationship when it should have been self-explanatory yesterday when he said the shit. Realizing he wasn't going to let up on her anytime soon, she decided to fly into his delusion and go along with it,

"Ken, I'm telling you I'm not on any other dudes. Why don't you believe me?" Portia tried her best to comfort and reassure her man, but he wasn't listening nor believing in anything that came out of his mouth, instead only believing in what his twisted mind told him, and that wasn't anything good. He wouldn't be slamming the girl he loves to head into the brick wall behind the park's slide structure if it were any good.

"Don't lie to me!" He shouted in her face as she tried her best to release herself from his grip,

"Kentrell, this is starting to hurt. Stop!" With one final shove, her head bounced off the wall, and she crumbled to the kid's safe crushed velvet plush ground below.

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