You turned on the camera on your phone to see what Eddie had left.

A small but dark mark with plenty of teeth marks overlapping it.

"Eddie... people will think I got attacked by a monster..." You were a bit self conscious about it though

"Well this monster doesn't like to see his girl unmarked... Now everyone including that jack@ss Jason won't take you from me. You're mine until we die..." Eddie assured

"Oh Eddie... *kisses him on the cheek* I hope he burns in hell like he deserves. Hm?" You responded as you heard distant voices coming from the forest behind you both

"Eddie! Y/N!" Dustin's voice was very faint but you could still hear him

"Where are you?!" Steve shouts followed after

"Over here!" You yelled out to them

Their footsteps grew closer and in number.

It was Dustin, Steve, Lucas, Robin, Max and Nancy whom you haven't met yet.

"Eddie! Y/N! I've missed you both so much!!" Dustin sprinted over to hug you and Eddie

"Henderson! You little weasel you! Cmere!" Eddie ruffled Dustin's hair as he hugged Dustin back

"We missed you too buddy!" You answered

"Are you forgetting us? After all we're all a team now." Robin spoke up

"Guys! Oh hi I'm Y/N, I've been with Eddie for I don't know how many days now... I'm glad you're here!" You ran up to all of them to hug them all but not before getting acquainted with Nancy

"Hi I'm Nancy. Robin's told me a lot about you and your history with Chrissy. Glad to finally meet you!" Nancy happily greeted

"Good to see you Y/N... huh?" Steve came up to you as he noticed something was off about you

"Uh Steve? Why are you staring?" You got nervous because you felt like you were sticking out like a sore thumb

"Is that a hickey? A better one than however many girls I dated... Holy sh!t... Munson did you..." Steve couldn't believe his eyes

"Hey guys... what's up?" Eddie slowly peeked behind the tree he hid from

"Oh my god..." Nancy knew exactly where this was headed too

"Here we go again..." Robin scoffed

Max and Lucas looked to the ground in awkwardness.

"Even I couldn't match to Billy with any of that..." Steve felt defeated

"What? Just because you got laid and lost your girlfriend meanwhile I only just gave a hickey to a girl better than you? We haven't even had sex yet!" Eddie bragged

"Eddie! Are you trying to start a fight?" You reasoned as you felt your entire face a blushing mess

"You shut your mouth Eddie!" Steve was about to charge at Eddie until he was stopped by Dustin and Nancy

"Can we save the drama later guys?" Dustin tried to calm them down

A few minutes later...

After the rivalry was cooled down to some extent, the group told you both what has been happening.

They still have no lead of Eleven's whereabouts so the fight to Vecna will be much harder without her.

"While we were trying to find you guys. I was using a compass and well it was going batsh!t nuts nearby the lake... That means the electromagnetic feild is being affected... it means Vecna's making gates all around this area." Dustin explained

"Ok. What do these gates look like then?" You asked

"Big red and have blackish vines all around it. If Eleven were here she could close them but she's not here... so we'll have to go in. I mean what else CAN we do if El's not here." Dustin answered

"Whoa whoa whoa... Are you serious about this? Isn't the place flooded with monsters?!" You questioned

"We'll prepare for it obviously just like before we ventured into Vecna's lair. Remember?" Dustin told

"Yeah. Let's just hope we get out of there alive. Eddie?" You looked to Eddie for his answer

"Hell I go with you if it gets me off the wanted list.. I'm tired of being banished... and well I'll be your knight just like the campaign was..." Eddie was just uneasy about it as you but he was willing to join up

"Ok we should move out right away. Follow me!" Dustin spoke as he lead the way holding the compass

Undying Rockstar. (Eddie Munson vampire x female reader)Where stories live. Discover now