twenty three

271 11 79

HEYYY!! this is a shorter one but- it was necessity because of the way it ends

also i hope ur prepared bc this story is gonna be super duper long—

also double chapter update!! i'm having a hay day w those recently HAHAHA


it's nearing 7:20 and we're running late this morning. jeremiah woke up in a bad mood today which then caused him to refuse to get ready.

"jeremiah we're late, put your shoes on please.", i say sternly.

today is the first day since school has started that i threw on sweatpants and an oversized hoodie. i have zero makeup on and my hair is tossed into a messy ponytail.

i look like a hot mess.

i slide my converse on and grab my car keys and iced coffee glass from the fridge. i pick up my backpack and wait for jeremiah to do the same.

we walk to the door and i open it, jeremiah walking out. i turn around and am taken aback when i see both my parents standing there. i walk onto the porch, shutting and locking the door.

"what in the name of earth are you two doing here?", i scoff.

"we have no where to go nini.", my mom mentions.

"does it look like i care? i-i'm sorry i can't do this today.", i tell them, "go find a hotel. you two still have money in your bank account."

they move to the side as i push through them and walk to the car. jeremiah is already seated inside and buckled up. i toss my things in the car and begin backing up, heading for the elementary school.


when i pull into the parking lot of east high, i'm twenty minutes late. because of course...the one day we leave later, there's traffic.

i quickly turn the car off and grab my things, jumping out of the car. i begin fast walking through the parking lot and i push through the entrance doors.

the hallways are quiet as i walk through them, going to my first period. i quietly open the door and awkwardly walk to the back of the room, taking my seat. the class is quiet as they're all working on the test review.

i drop my backpack to the floor and slide into my desk, putting my coffee on the corner. i lean back, running my hands over my face, letting out an exhausted breath.

why the heck were they standing on the doorstep?

i finally take in a deep breath and sit upright, grabbing my notebook. i pull my test review out and try looking it over but my mind is too occupied.

i've been rushing all morning and i feel like i'm still rushing even though i'm just sitting here.

" okay?", liam whispers.

i drop my pencil and look at him, shaking my head. i shut my eyes as they sting and i take in deep breaths. i raise my hand and the teacher glances up at me, nodding her head.

"can i go to the bathroom please?"

she nods her head and i get up, walking out of the room. i slowly walk down the hallway, heading for the bathroom when i hear footsteps behind me.

i turn around and see liam walking after me. i slow down as i arrive at the bathroom and i lean against the wall. we walk slightly in the bathroom hallway so were out of sight and i let out a deep sigh, staring at the floor.

"hey talk to me, what's going on?", he asks.

i look up, "my parents..."

"what about—"

"they showed up on the doorstep this morning. and jeremiah woke up in the crappiest mood today and we were running late and he was getting mad at me and i feel like my mind is running a mile a minute and i just want to—pass out so i can stop thinking!", i begin to whisper ramble, feeling many thoughts going through my head.

he puts his hands on my face and then kisses my lips and all i feel are butterflies. i look at him with confusion when he pulls away.

"what was that for?", i ask.

"one, a distraction. two, to remind you that i love you. and three, to remind you that as your boyfriend i'll always be here for you.", he tells me.

i shake my head, smiling a little, "thank you. i love you."

he kisses the top of my forehead and we walk back to our classroom.


gina and i are walking with the four guys down the hallway, heading for the parking lot since the day has ended.

i'm holding liam's hand as we walk and we're all having a conversation.

"someone has a birthday next week.", gina mentions, nudging my side.

"we have to celebrate!", ricky says.

i playfully roll my eyes, shaking my head, "i've never really had a birthday celebration."

"your parents never threw you one?", mason questions.

i press my lips together, shaking my head and i feel liam squeeze my hand. we arrive at our cars and i bid my goodbyes to all them.

i hop in my car, obviously staring to play taylor swift as i drive towards the elementary school to pick jeremiah up.

i park and get out, walking inside into the office. i notice a new lady at the desk and i smile at her.

"hi i'm here to pick up jeremiah roberts from daycare. i'm his older sister, nini.", i tell her, showing her my drivers license.

she takes it and then looks on her computer before handing me the card back and looking at me confused.

"uh- he was already picked up.", she says and i freeze.

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