Part 71

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So the girls went out and vidhi was about to cut cake but she stopped.
Vidhi: Wait 2 people are missing?
Teju: Who?
Sam: Yaar let them be na and just give me cake
Teju slowly hit sam's shoulder
Vidhi: Wait let me go call them
Teju: Arey but...
Vidhi then goes to call Om and Karan
She then finally found them
Vidhi: Hey I was looking for you guys come it's time to cut cake.
Om: Umm vidhi there is a problem
Vidhi: What?
Om then points at Karan
Vidhi then looks at Karan and gets shocked
Vidhi: What the heck!!! What happened to him?
Om: I think he is drunk
Vidhi: But he barely had many drinks
Om: I don't know, do you think it's that drink?
Vidhi: Which drink?
Om: The one he said it tasted weird?
Vidhi: Oh my god yeah since that was the last drink he had.
Om: Anyways leave this we have a bigger problem.
Vidhi: What?
Om: Teju is here and Karan is drunk so.....
Vidhi: Oh yeah shit how did i forget about this🤦🏻‍♀️
Om: You know what I have been trying for so long to take him home but the moment I look away he goes somewhere.
Vidhi: I think you should take him home before he disappears again.
Om: Yeah
Om turned to take Karan but he wasn't there.
Om: Oh no not again
Vidhi: Oh my god let's go look for him
Vidhi and om went to look for Karan when vidhi bumped into teju.
Teju: What the hell vidhi, I have been looking for you for so long where the hell were you? Come on let's cut the cake people are waiting.
Vidhi: Umm just a sec am coming tell the people that am not cutting the cake now they can drink and chill till then.
Teju: Arey but why?
Vidhi: Umm nothing you go na I will just come.
Vidhi then leaves from there
Teju: What is wrong with her?
Sam: Teju what happened? Did you find vidhi?
Teju: Yeah but she said she is not cutting the cake right now.
Sam: What!!!! Oh no I really wanted cake man
Teju: 🤦🏻‍♀️Sam are you serious
Sam: What?
Teju left from there
Vidhi and om were still looking for Karan
Om: Did you find him?
Vidhi: Stupid if I found him wouldn't he had been with me right now.
Om: Shit you know what you go cut your cake and I will look for him.
Vidhi: No it's fine but anyways this is such a small place where the hell can he go?
Om: I don't know let's go look for him.
Vidhi: Yeah
Meanwhile teju was walking outside the garden feeling a little sad.
Teju: I thought he will come as well since om is here too😔, I just want to see a glimpse of him please god
Just then teju hears some voice and she goes to check.
Teju: Wait why am I going to check what if it's some animal. But it's not even an open place here so how can there be an animal🤦🏻‍♀️.
She then hears noises again
Teju: Ugh let me just check
She then slowly walk and goes to check and she get's shock.
Teju: Sunny?
Her eyes were watery she went close to him as Karan was facing the front but she knew that he was Karan.
She slowly went and touched his shoulder with tears on her eyes. Karan then turned to her and Teju tears started flowing more. And Karan was just staring at her.
Teju: K... Karan?
She said with tears flowing down
Karan was just staring at her
Teju was so happy to see him she wanted to hug him but she saw he was just staring at her.
Teju in her mind: what is wrong with him? why is he just staring at me? Is he not happy seeing me?
Teju wiped off her tears, she turned and was about to leave when Karan finally said something.
Karan: Laddooooooo
Teju quickly turned to him and had tears again flowing
Karan quickly hugged teju, teju was surprised at first but then she also hugged him. They kept hugging for quite sometime but then Teju realized where they were so she parted away from the hug.
Teju: Uhm Karan hey!
Karan: Laddoooo yo.. you are really here?
Teju: Huh of course am here
Karan Then started jumping around
Teju: What the hell is wrong with him? Shit is he drunk?
Teju then went close to Karan
Teju: Karan look at me, Karan are you drunk?
Karan looked as if he was thinking something but then he said🤷🏻
Teju: Shit he is really drunk oh freak. Now I understand why vidhi was tensed maybe they were looking for him I have to find them.
Teju was then looking for her phone but then she realized she left it with Sam.
Teju: Shit now I have to go inside with him like this. Uhm Karan let's go inside please?
Karan: Laddoo why are you calling me Karan?
Teju: But Karan is your name na?
Karan: Fuddu I know that but call me sunny please Am your sunny remember?
Teju in her mind: Wow even in this drunken state he remembers what I haven't called him🙄
Teju: Okay sunny let's go inside please and then we will go home.
Karan: Home? Whose home ours?
Teju: Ours? No kar... no Sunny yours.
Karan: Nope then am not going
He said and sat down the ground
Teju: Karan please get up
Karan: No no no and you called me Karan again so am not going anywhere.
Teju: Shit what do I do now?
Karan was just sitting on the ground
Teju: Okay listen can you please sit and wait here?
Karan: Why where are you going? You are leaving me again?😭
Teju: No I am not I am just going to get something okay?
Karan: Promise?
Teju: Promise i am just going to get something am just coming please don't go anywhere.
Karan: Okay I won't
Teju: promise?
Karan: Pakka promise
Teju: Okay wait here am just coming
Teju then went inside she went to Sam to get her phone.
Sam: hey where were you?
Teju: Just here umm can I get my bag please?
Sam: Yeah here you go
Teju: Thanks
Teju then called vidhi and told her to come with om.
Vidhi and om then came to her
Vidhi: Hey what happened?
Teju: Chalo let me take you somewhere
Vidhi: Arey but kahan?
Teju: Just come, om you too let's go
Teju then took them where Karan was waiting.
Teju then pointed at where Karan is and showed them.
Om: Bhai!
Vidhi: Oh my god
Om then ran to Karan
Om: Bhai are you okay?
Teju: He is drunk so there is no point of even talking to him. And om why did you let him drink so much?
Om: Teju he didn't drink that much I think his drink was spiked that's why he is drunk.
Teju: What!!!
Vidhi: Yeah
Teju: Anyways take him home he shouldn't be here anymore.
Om: I tried for so long to take him but every time he escapes from me.
Teju: Okay take him now
Om tried to pick up Karan but he wasn't getting up
Om: Oh god how am I going to take him home now?
Karan: I am not going home, I will go with laddoo
Teju just looks at Karan
Om: Now what do we do?

So guys here is the next part hope you like it? So what do you think will happen next? Also it's going to be a double update yayy, you guys deserve it honestly y'all waited for so long so thank you for your patience❤️.

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