S4 ‹Savagery part 2

Start from the beginning

[Zeke]: So, you're Erwin Smith's brother...- Zeke says, not taking his eyes off his book. Louis looks at him with a frown, clenches his fist-

[Louis]: Don't say my brother's name, you fucking piece of shit...

[Levi]: That bearded shit was our enemy after all...-A small smile appeared on Levi's face when he noticed Louis yelling at Zeke. He looks the other way- And now that we know it, he doesn't deserve to have limbs. It took long enough. Erwin, I'll finally uphold the promise I made to you...-But suddenly a feeling of danger came over him, which meant that Louis was in danger- Huh?...

[Zeke]: You know...-Louis looked at him, pouting his lips- I noticed your strange behavior with Levi...-Zeke looked up at Louis, who gasped at his words- And I can have some idea about that...

[Louis]: If you say anything to Levi, I'll kill you myself. And I don't care what Levi says...- He exclaimed, getting up quickly from the box. Zeke raised his hands in a gesture of peace-

[Zeke]: Calm down, friend..-He looks at how Louis sits down again- You didn't drink the wine?...

[Louis]: No...-He crosses his arms, looking at the empty glass next to Zeke- I don't like to drink at work. And unless my job is to watch over my brother's murderer... The wine came from Marley, so I won't trust it...

[Zeke]: How clever...-Zeke stopped looking at the book, Louis stared at him- But your luck won't last forever...

[Louis]: What did you say?...-But before Zeke answered, he hit him hard in the face with the book, Louis gasped as he fell to the ground- Piece of shit...

Levi turned quickly to see Zeke walk away while Louis was on the ground, touching his face. As he was about to run towards them, Zeke let out a loud yell.

Levi and Louis' eyes widened. All the soldiers who were in the forest began to fall, paralyzed. Each one was surrounded by a burst of electricity, the entire forest was illuminated by a yellowish color.

Levi watched in horror as his teammates were turned into Titans. He quickly grabbed Louis and they walked away before a Titan fell on top of the two of them. The Titans fell one by one, shaking the earth.


Pixis and the Garrison members who were in a building all suddenly froze, as they were all left confused. Anka looked at Pixis, who was staring at his hands with wide eyes and an open mouth.

In the carriages Hanji and the others were escorted in, Falco, who was laying across from the too, sudden jolts, letting out a groan, which makes them quickly perk up.

[Hanji]: What's wrong?..-Hanji leaned forward, brows furrowed. Falco, whose eyes were shut, rolls a sweat, groaning out- 

[Falco]: Felt like I got zapped by electricity...

[Hanji]: You don't think--?!

[Pixis]: Zeke's done it, hasn't he?..-Pixis mumbled-


As the dust surrounded Levi and Louis, Zeke looked over his shoulder at them as he continued to run.

[Zeke]: This is goodbye. Captains. You care about your subordinates. You're not gonna slice them up just 'cuz they've grown a bit, are you?...-He looked ahead, concentrating on running- Will you be able to protect your comrade while the two of them are being surrounded by your subordinates?..

Levi looked around while clenching his teeth. Louis was covering his left eye from Zeke's beating. The Titans had their eyes on both of them.

[Louis]: Can not be...

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