enhancing secrets

Start from the beginning

"Nico, I could pick you up if you wanted to go together." Alex suggested to the girl, Solaria had mentally sighed, she knows she shouldn't be mad but those feelings were starting to bubble up again inside of her. "Karolina, Solaria, I practically go right pass your houses." Solaria had perked up, and grins nervously before driving some more coffee. "Some of us are too young to date." Molly tells them, since she was the youngest, standing at 14. "Dating is so heteronormative. One limo, six stops." Gert sounded a bit mad at the fact, but decided to hide it in a calm manner.

Solaria had looked at her confused, but decided to brush it off. "Once that video is out, there's no going back. Our parents will be out away forever." Chase brings her back into real life, "And that's a bad thing?" Karolina raised her eyebrows at him. "No," Molly jumps in, "but don't  you have questions?" And the question conversation begins. "Maybe we should try talking to them, you know, one last time." Solaria probably should talk to her mother, if they did bring down their parents tonight, it could possibly be the last time they see or talk to each other.

Besides, no one would like to end things on bad terms. "Okay, so we have a plan. I have to get ready for the gala. See you guys." Solaria had stood up, waving goodbye to everyone as she walked out the shop and to her car. She gets in her car and sighed. "Shit. Full of shit." She whispered, starting her engine and driving off.

── ✧《✩》✧ ──

AS the driver pulled up towards the huge building that the party pulled up in, Solaris was feeling quite nervous. It had stopped and the car door swings open. A bunch of people and paparazzi with camera were already here. One by one they stepped out out of the care, cameras clicking. Inside, everything was beautiful. But chandeliers and posters for PRIDE.

A lot of people though. The group had walked in together with confidence, they had gotten smiles and compliments on how they look. Solaria had saw her parents taking pictures, holding a huge primates out paper check, and she couldn't believe it. "How can they just stand their and smile?" She sighed to no one in particular, "They're great actors, Ria." Molly says to her and she couldn't agree more. "I hope they enjoy it. It'll be the last fun they have for a while."

Molly asked a question that made everyone go quiet, "If they go to prison, it'll be hard to to talk to them, right?" Solaria just shrugged her shoulders at the young girl, "I'm not too worried." Karolina does the same, "Like they always say, actions have consequences." Solaria huffs in annoyance.

A few hours later and the plan was being set in motion. Gert steals Karolina away for a little talk while the rest stays back. "Hey, Chase, I'm thirsty," Karolina calls out to him, "should we go get a drink?" Solaria was already planning to ask him that, but it looks like Karolina had gotten the upper hand. Which it did kinda disappointed her a bit, but she couldn't show it. Even if the burning jealousy that was rising in her stomach, she had to push them all down for tonight's plan.

"Okay, it looks like it's just the four of us. Ready to go?" Alex asks Nico, Ria and Gert, who were all ready. But Solaria on the other hand, had different things on her mind. "Actually, I'm going to find the others. Keep in contact." Solaria had went inside the building to find Chase. Walking across the building, she couldn't find him in the mist of people. She had to tell him something important, and Alex. The nervous feeling if butterflies had entered her stomach.

She had turned down a hallway, and saw a door that lead up to the roof. She tilted her head a little, maybe he could be up there having alone time or some shit like that. She sneakily opens the door without being caught and goes up the stairs until she finds a door, she quietly opens it, but it wasn't what she expected to find. There was Chase and Karolina. Kissing. He pulled back from her lips and smiled, she felt her heart shatter a little bit, and tears coming up. A hand touched her and she jumped around spooked, "Molly? What are you doing here?" She quietly yelled at the girl, who was jus as confused as her.

"Well I came to find Chase and Karolina. What you doing here? And are you crying?" She whispered yelled back to her, her mascara coming off a little bit, Solaria sucked her teeth in, "It doesn't matter. Excuse me." Her voice was cracking up a little bit, pushing past Molly and walking down the stairs. That's when she started to let the tears fall. She didn't even know why she was feeling like this, she's never made a move on Chase or told him how she feels. Solaria sniffled quietly as she had to attend for the big speech that was happening.

So she did as she always did, suck up her stupid little feelings, wipe her tears and forget about it. Even if it destroyed her on the inside, she would never show it. It was just a feelings leading up to something that would have never happened. Besides, she couldn't let her feelings get in the way of what was important. Stopping her parents.

── ✧《✩》✧ ──

"ROBERT and I are honored to be sharing the stage with our fellow members of PRIDE." Tina, Nico's mom had smiled at the crowd, Solaria saw Chase and Karolina, hand in hand, smiling like they were in love or something which was quiet nerve racking for her, especially since she saw them kiss on the rooftop. She saw her mom and her dad proudly smiling, Ria could tell that it was a fake one, just two nights before, her parents were arguing about PRIDE. And she guessed that it didn't turn out so well since Jabari was sleeping on the couch.

But, they had to show up. As a married couple that had no wrongs in their marriage. Shown as a loving couple to the public, but the truth is, their marriage was going downwards. And Solaria knew it, she just didn't want to say anything. "Without their tireless dedication, we wouldn't be here celebrating breaking ground on a new state of the art community school." Robert shows a toothy grin on the stage. Solaria couldn't stop staring at the two friends, it almost made her sad. She was stuck in a line between Chase or Alex. But she thinks the line was completely broken, since Karolina had told the group that she saw Nico and Alex kissing.

Her feelings and emotions had to be kept under control for tonight. Then when she goes home she can cry it all out and watch princess and the frog whole eating cookie dough ice cream to make her feel better. "A place that will one day be the next generation of Wizard executives." The crowd applauded them, scattered cheers could be heard as well. "But all the people here, I would most like to thank my husband Robert for his commitment to PRIDE, to Wizard Computers, and, most importantly, to our family." Tina smiles at him, and he does the same.

A groan had came from Chase's dad, Victor Stein, who looked like he was in pain. He closed his eyes shut and bites down on his teeth to the point that Solaria could think he could break one of them. "And I think Victor Stein would like to say something. One of the worlds most brilliant minds." Tina introduction to him was short as she snatched the mic away from her rudely. "Arrogant much?" Solaris had thought to herself as he started to speak. "Save your breath, Tina. Everyone's knows I'm a genius. Although, here's a questions my superior intellect is of no help in solving." He says, tone cold as he stares in the crowd.

"What should I do about the fact that my wife is sleeping with another man?"

Solaria had looked over to Chase, seeing his shocked, confused and hurt facial expression made her heart drop. She always knew that his parents had been a little complicated at times, but all of their parents were. But this was news. The crowd stayed silent as he continued his speech, "Any of you know how easy it is to hack a cell phone? You'd think the man she's banging would." Solaria had her lips in a thin line, this night was going horrible. Not what she expected.

"After all, he helped create the phone. Isn't that right, Robert?" Solaria's jaw was to the floor, the crowd murmurs, as if Janet cheating wasn't enough, she cheated on him with Robert. It was definitely going to be on a paper headline after this. "Oh!" The mic thuds as he groaned in pain, he stumbled back a bit before failing to the ground as Chase runs up to his father. Tina runs off the stage, everyone didn't know what to do.

"And that's a my cue to get a drink." Solaria had pushed passed people and made her way to the bar, where she needed a drink. She was getting a headache and just wanted to go home. It's been a long night, between killer parents, crushing crushes, cheating scandals...it was one hell of a night for PRIDE and their families.

worst chapter. I didn't like this too much, lack of detail and everyone moving to fast.

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