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Chapter 11

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Chapter 11


"Niklaus" Elijah said
"Olivia is carrying your child" a small gasp excaped his lips

"No. It's not possible. Vampires cannot procreate"

Sophie: "But werewolves can. Magic made you a vampire but you were born a werewolf. You're the original hybrid. The first of your kind. And this pregnancy is one of natures loopholes"

"You've been with someone else" klaus said to Olivia backing away from her
"Admit it" she walked forward, grasping her hands with his and as much as he wanted to pull away he couldn't will himself to

Hayley: "We've spent days in a flipping alligator bayou because they think she's carrying your miracle baby. Don't you think she would've fessed up if it wasn't yours"

Olivia: "I've only been with you. Just you klaus. I was never unfaithful to you"

"My sister gave her life to perform the spell she needed to confirm this pregnancy. Because of Jane-Anne's sacrifice, the lives of this girl and her baby are now controlled by us. If you don't help us take down Marcel so help me, olivia won't live enough to see her first maternity dress"

"Wait what?" Olivia whispered

Elijah: "enough. If you want Marcel dead, he's dead. I'll do it myself"

Sophie: "No, we cant. Not yet. We have a clear plan that we need to follow and there are rules" that stuck a nerve in klaus who released his hands from Olivia

"How dare you command me. Threaten me with what you wrongfully perceive to be my weaknesses! I won't hear more lies!" Klaus went to walk out but Elijah called him back

"Niklaus! Listen" klaus looked down to Olivia's stomach where her hand was resting on. Her stomach was still small, so small she looked normal but he listened in, his ears catching into a faint heartbeat, too small to be any of theirs. He looked back up to Olivia who's face was wet with tears before he turned to Sophie and Elijah with tears of his own

"Kill her and the baby. What do I care?" A sob racked through Olivia, klaus' ears picking up the sound as he walked out but he didn't stop and instead continued on. All she wanted was klaus' acceptance. She didn't think she could do this alone, all she wanted was for him to be there. For him to hug her and say they will be amazing parents, but he didn't

Hayley brought Olivia into a hug as she cried, rubbing up and down her back for comfort but it wasn't working. It was only klaus that could make her feel better

Hayley: "Screw this, we're out of here" she tried to get her and Olivia out but witches stood in front of them stopping them from leaving

"No one touches the girls. I will fix this" Elijah  placed his hand on Olivia's head in a comforting manner before he went out after his brother. Elijah and Olivia had made quite a brother sister bond since they had first met and although they had barely seen each other they loved each other like family


Hayley had her arm around Olivia as they stood to the side of some sort of witch meeting

"Marcel and his vampires are out of control. Something had to be done" Sophie told the older woman who seemed to be in charge

"And your solution is to bring in more vampires?"

Sophie: "These aren't just any vampires Agnes. These are the originals"

"What makes you think you can control the hybrid?" Instead of Sophie answering Elijah's voice sounded from the door

"She can't. I'm not entirely certain I can either. But now that your covern has drawn his ire, I have a question. What prevents my brother from murdering you instead of cooperating" Sophie walked to the side and picked up a piece of metal before scraping it across her palm

Olivia winced, her hand moving in front of her as she felt it sting and when she looked up she saw blood in her palm

Hayley: "what the hell?"

"The spell my sister performed, the one that got her killed, it didn't just confirm the pregnancy. It linked me to Olivia. Do anything that happens to me happens to her. Which means her life is in my hands. Now I know klaus might not care about the child, and he says he doesn't care about Olivia but he does. We could all see it. So if I have to hurt her, or worse, to ensure I have your attention, I will" Elijah walked forward

"You would dare threaten an original?"

"I have nothing to lose. You have to until midnight to get klaus to change his mind"


"We have a deal" Olivia's head had never snapped up so fast at the sound of klaus

"We'll help you, follow your guidelines. As long as you let the girls come with us" Sophie being the only one there nodded

"Okay. Remember I control her" klaus gritted his teeth trying not to rip her throat out but it helped to remember Olivia's life was also in his hands then. He walked over and sped her to the house with another word with Elijah and Hayley probably still back where they were.

He put her down on his bed once they reached his old room, and he moved his hand closer to her before picking her face up in his hands, noticing how her eyes were puffy and red. It looked like she had been crying for ages

"I'm so sorry" she whispered but he quickly shook his head, silencing her with a small kiss

"My love I didn't mean the words I spoke. You are everything to me. I wouldn't be able to live without you and I was being stubborn. No one's life comes before yours. Not even mine"

"I don't know how to be a mother klaus. I'm only 18" she was tearing up again

"Hey, we'll get through this together. You won't be alone. I promise you"

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