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Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Caroline and Stefan had left to go and warn Bonnie whilst Klaus and Olivia tried to find out more about everything

"There's been 2 massacres. Pastor young's farm is here.. and the old Lockwood cellar is here Olivia marked it on the map and linked them together
"According to the boom, the expression triangle is equilateral. Putting it here. Or here" she looked up to Klaus to see him already smiling at her and she blushed before turning to the door as it opened

"Did you find Bonnie?" Olivia asked Stefan and Caroline

"No, but we talked to her dad. I think I found Silas"


"I just want to see where we are" Olivia smiled as they walked through the forest

"When we split up, you did have the option of going with Stefan or Caroline darling" she rolled her eyes at him and leaned up on her tip toes before pressing her lips to his cheek

"I prefer you. But do you even know how to read a map?" They both continued walking

"Yes actually, and you know who taught me? My friend Magellan"

"Klaus has friends?" Olivia teased. He rolled his eyes and stopped walking before he moved her arms around his neck
"Was he drawn to your darkness too?"

"Not as much as you"

"I love you" Olivia whispered as she gazed into his eyes

"And I love you" he leaned forward, his lips teasing hers before she kissed him
"We're here" he said pulling away softly
"But since there are no witches I think we're in the wrong place"


Klaus and Olivia had made their way to the other place where Caroline and Stefan was. Bonnie was laid in the middle of some circle with 11 witches surrounding her and one right behind her

"They're linked. Bonnies gonna kill then"

"Not if the witches kill her first" Klaus pushed Stefan against a tree stopping him

"We need to save her" Caroline said

Klaus: "How? The only way to stop the witches is to kill them and then Silas gets what he wants"

"Spirits take her soul" one of the witches shouted
"Free her from darkness" she held a wooden stake above Bonnie who was screaming out in pain. Caroline quickly sped over and shoved the stake in the woman's heart

"No!" Klaus shouted as the woman stopped screaming and dropped to the floor dead. One by one all the witches died around them

"Bonnie" Caroline said kneeling beside her friend
"Bonnie" Bonnie eyes opened which were showed to be fully white

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